International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences
https://www.ijagbio.comScope and Perspective. “International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences” (IJAB) is an online and printable international peer reviewed open access journal. IJAB publishes high-quality original scientific papers, short communications, correspondence and case studies. Review articles of current interest and high standard may be considered.
HOME - Indian Journal of Advanced Botany (IJAB)
www.ijb.latticescipub.comThe Indian Journal of Advanced Botany (IJAB) is having ISSN 2582-9475 (online), half yearly international journal, being published in the months of April and October by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2021. The Indian Journal of Advanced Botany (IJAB) is online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical international journal. The aims of the journal is to publish ...
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https://ijab.deIJAB stärkt und gestaltet die Internationale Jugendarbeit und jugendpolitische Zusammenarbeit – sowohl mit den Ländern Europas als auch weltweit. Unser Ziel ist es, durch die Förderung von internationalem Austausch und Begegnung zu einem besseren gegenseitigen Verständnis beizutragen, internationale Bildung und Beteiligung zu unterstützen sowie …
International Journal of Agriculture And Biology
fspublishers.orgInternational Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IJAB) publishes peer reviewed papers on all aspects of agriculture and biology, as reviews (solicited or submitted), research articles (full length and short communications). Contributions are considered for evaluation on the understanding that they are original and not being considered for ...
Bestellservice - journal 2/2021. Internationaler Austausch unter Pandemiebedingungen. Internationale Jugendarbeit inklusiv gestalten. Qualifizierungsmodule. IJAB-Selbstdarstellung. Aufgaben, Ziele und Angebote der Fachstelle. IJAB self-portrayal. Tasks, goals and offers of the youth service.
International Journal of Aquatic Biology Journal of Aquatic Biology (IJAB) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic journal published by Iranian Society of Ichthyology in collaboration with the Staff of Fisheries Department of the University of Tehran.IJAB publishes original research articles, high quality reviews and technical notes/short communication covering all aspects of biology of organisms …
Peer Reviewed Agriculture Journal and Environment Journal
https://ijeab.comInternational Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) (ISSN: 2456-1878) is an international open access peer reviewed online journal in the field of Environment , Agriculture and Biotechnology. It’s main aim is to give quality research papers. It covers all sub-fields of above mentioned fields.
International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences“International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences” (IJAB) is an online and printable international peer reviewed open access journal. IJAB publishes high-quality original scientific papers, short communications, correspondence and case studies. Review articles of current interest and high standard may be considered.
International Journal of Agriculture And Biology
https://fspublishers.orgAbout the Journal International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IJAB) publishes peer reviewed papers on all aspects of agriculture and biology, as reviews (solicited or submitted), research articles (full length and short communications). Contributions are considered for evaluation on the understanding that they are original and not being considered for publication elsewhere.