2.4.1 Implicit dynamic analysis
classes.engineering.wustl.edu › 2009 › springThe implicit operator used for time integration of the dynamic problem is the operator defined by Hilber, Hughes, and Taylor (1978). This operator is a single parameter operator with controllable numerical damping—the damping being most valuable in the automatic time stepping scheme, because the slight high frequency numerical noise inevitably introduced when the time step is changed is removed rapidly by a small amount of numerical damping.
Implicit dynamic analysis - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
abaqus-docs.mit.edu › simathe-c-dynamicsDynamic integration operators are broadly characterized as implicit or explicit. Explicit schemes, as used in Abaqus/Explicit, obtain values for dynamic quantities at t + Δ t based entirely on available values at time t. The central difference operator, which is the most commonly used explicit operator for stress analysis applications, is only conditionally stable, the stability limit being approximately equal to the time for an elastic wave to cross the smallest element dimension in ...