Tip: If importing ArcPy produces either of the following errors, the required modules could not be found: ImportError: No module named arcpy; ImportError: No module named arcgisscripting; To address this, browse using Windows Explorer to the python27\Lib\site-packages folder and add or edit the Desktop10.2.2.pth file.
Pycharm Import Error: No Module Named Arcpy. Running the command with an argument displays the calling signature and the documentation string of the object. >>> ...
25.06.2019 · "ImportError: No module named arcpy" Cause. The arcpy module's location probably isn't specified correctly within the Server10.x.pth file. This file is in the following location: <install-drive>\python27\Lib\site-packages. Solution or Workaround. Ensure that the following locations are specified in the Server10.3.pth file (the version of ArcGIS ...
7 Answers · Navigate to C:\Python27 . You should see a folder called ArcGIS10. · Click into ArcGIS10.3 and locate the Python.exe executable. · Make sure you have ...
Debugging ImportError: No module named arcpy · Navigate to C:\Python27 . You should see a folder called ArcGIS10. · Click into ArcGIS10.3 and locate the Python.
10.07.2013 · Resolving “No module named arcpy”. If “ImportError: No module named arcpy” looks familiar, you’ve come to the right place! My recent endeavors using arcpy resulted in aimless time spent following workaround steps proposed by other ArcGIS users. The typical “pip install <module>” workflow is not a viable solution to utilize Esri ...
ImportError: No module named arcpy; ImportError: No module named arcgisscripting; To address this, browse using File Explorer to the python27\Lib\site-packages folder and add or edit the Desktop10.8.pth file. The file should contain the three lines shown below (corrected to your system's path if they do not match):
30.12.2019 · Error: "ImportError: No module named arcpy" To access the Python interpreter and run Python scripts, the location of the required python.exe file must be known to the system. For the system to recognize the location, the path to the python.exe file is included in Windows Environment Variables.
28.05.2015 · ImportError: No module named '_base' when importing arcpy. 05-28-2015 09:45 AM. I have been running into some configuration errors while trying to import arcpy module into a simple Python script file, and I suspect that the errors might have something to do with the environment variables settings.