I've reïnstalled my ssh server, so I also need to reïnstall my Python packages. I did that, but I still get the error: ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore I've already successfully install...
ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore. I've already successfully installed: sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev. But still it don't work, so I tried the installation instruction of PyQt4. So I've tried to install SIP first, but when I run "make" (see end of this page, "Building") But I get this error: make [1]: Entering directory `/home/francis ...
11.05.2016 · from PyQt4 import QtGui Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> from PyQt4 import QtGui ImportError: No module named PyQt4 Descargué e instalé PyQt4-4.11.4-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.7-x64.exe, Windows 64-bit installer y la versión de Python que tengo es 2.7.9
I have 8 years of work experience in Network data domain and have very less understanding of programming. When ever i try to run my first GUI based python ...
I've reïnstalled my ssh server, so I also need to reïnstall my Python packages.I did that, but I still get the error:ImportError: No module named PyQt4.
19.04.2012 · PyQt started from version 4.12.2 needs private sip module called PyQt4.sip (see file NEWS in PyQt 4 source folder) So you should configure sip using this command: python configure.py --sip-module PyQt4.sip After sip is built, you should copy file sip.pyd to PyQt4 python directory - by default it is c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4. Share.
Then I jumped over to my interpretor (IDLE) to test it: import os from PyQt4 import QtGui Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> from PyQt4 import QtGui ImportError: No module named PyQt4. Edit: Tried to get the commands to display like code by adding 4 spaces before line, could not figure it out.
16.03.2018 · Running Python produces 'No module named 'PyQt4' in Qgis on Mac High Sierra. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. Active 3 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 3k times 0 I …