29.10.2011 · If pyqt is installed properly, there should be a PyQt4 directory under site-packages containing a couple of dozen *.so files. Presumably, there will be nothing there for python3.2, which is why you can't import pyqt. To install pyqt for python3.2, follow these instructions.
At the end it says ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt4' but I don't even use PyQt4, I use PyQt5 instead. I have pytest and pytest-qt both installed. The program itself works properly.
6.3 EXTERNAL MODULES: OPENCV AND PIL You can download the OpenCV module here: ... DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS Crime; The name of the database created is Crime.
In general, if you are using Anaconda3 as the Python interpreter, the Python version that contains PyQt4 can be viewed using conda list (the Python3.6 version comes with me). If, by some accident, PyQt4 is accidentally uninstalled, you use one of the two libraries mentioned above and it is “No module named PyQt4”, or “Pyqt4.gui, Pyqt4.core”, etc.
I've reïnstalled my ssh server, so I also need to reïnstall my Python packages.I did that, but I still get the error:ImportError: No module named PyQt4.
Then I jumped over to my interpretor (IDLE) to test it: import os from PyQt4 import QtGui Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> from PyQt4 import QtGui ImportError: No module named PyQt4. Edit: Tried to get the commands to display like code by adding 4 spaces before line, could not figure it out.
26.10.2016 · @ekhumoro I installed PyQt4 in my Python 3.5.2 virtualenv. Correct me if I am wrong - installations using apt in virtualenvs are available systemwide. Interestingly "import PyQt4" works in Python3 outside my virtualenv , but not in my Python3 virtualenvironment.
01.01.2022 · python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall pandas. This will ensure two things: it will use the pip executable that belongs to the used Python executable, so that there is no accidental installation by another pip. it will properly re-install Pandas. Note that it doesn't re-download the Pandas package (it will use a cached version) if the version ...
GIS: Running Python produces 'No module named 'PyQt4' in Qgis on Mac High SierraHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaar...
18.04.2012 · PyQt started from version 4.12.2 needs private sip module called PyQt4.sip (see file NEWS in PyQt 4 source folder) So you should configure sip using this command: python configure.py --sip-module PyQt4.sip After sip is built, you should copy file sip.pyd to PyQt4 python directory - by default it is c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4. Share.