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indirect impact definition

indirect impact Definition | Law Insider
1. indirect impact means impacts caused by activities of an investment project [or] activity that are not direct, such as [impacts] on mind, belief, tradition, loss of time and opportunity in working, climate change, [and] pollution; Sample 1. Based on 1 documents. 1.
Examples of indirect impact
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › i...
Examples of indirect impact. These words are often used together. You can go to the definition of indirect or the definition of impact. Or, ...
Definition of indirect impact | Realytics
www.realytics.io › definition-of-indirect-impact
Definition of the indirect impact or the halo effect in television. The indirect impact of a TV ad is measured in the days, weeks even months following a TV spot, contrary to the direct impact that is measured during the first minutes following the diffusion of the spot. The indirect impact captures the incremental traffic on the long run provoked by the notoriety effect delivered by a campaign to the brand.
indirect impact definition | English definition dictionary ...
indirect impact translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'indirect costs',indirect labour',indirect lighting',indirect object', examples, definition, conjugation
Chapter 412 Indirect and cumulative impacts - WSDOT
https://wsdot.wa.gov › manuals › fulltext
The CEQ eliminated the terms indirect and cumulative impacts. The revised regulations repeal the prior definition of “cumulative effects” ...
Understanding Impact: Indirect and Direct systems... | Vaisala
02.09.2015 · Many organizations and publications have been careful to define the terms. In short: I consider an environmental monitoring system to be a direct system. But, my long answer is, well, a bit longer! First, let's start with some definitions: According to the ISPE, an Indirect Impact System is: "A system that is not expected to have ...
indirect impact definition | English definition dictionary ...
dictionary.reverso.net › indirect+impact
1 deviating from a direct course or line; roundabout; circuitous. 2 not coming as a direct effect or consequence; secondary. indirect benefits. 3 not straightforward, open, or fair; devious or evasive. an indirect insult.
Definitions - Economic Impact | UAB
www.uab.edu › impact › definitions
Oct 01, 2015 · Indirect Economic Impact. The indirect impact includes the impact of local industries buying goods and services from other local industries. The cycle of spending works its way backward through the supply chain until all money is spent outside of the local economy, either through imports or by payments to value added. Induced Economic Impact
Definitions - Economic Impact | UAB
https://www.uab.edu › impact › de...
The indirect impact includes the impact of local industries buying goods and services from other local industries. The cycle of spending works its way backward ...
Indirect impact definition and meaning | Collins English ...
15.12.2021 · Indirect impact definition: The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful ... Last year, hospitality and tourism brought 73 billion to the economy, or 161 billion including the indirect impact, including 15 billion in exports and 38 billion in direct tax receipts. Times, Sunday Times.
indirect impact definition - dictionary reverso
https://dictionary.reverso.net › english-definition › indir...
indirect impact definition in English dictionary, indirect impact meaning, synonyms, see also 'indirect costs',indirect labour',indirect lighting',indirect ...
Indirect Effects in Communities and Ecosystems - Ecology ...
08.09.2021 · Indirect effects in community ecology: Their definition, study, and importance. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 6:206–210. DOI: 10.1016/0169-5347(91)90023-Q. This was the first general review of indirect effects in the primary literature. It provides an excellent introduction and discussion of terminology and prior research. Wilbur, Henry M. 1997.
Definition of indirect impact | Realytics
Definition of the indirect impact or the halo effect in television The indirect impact of a TV ad is measured in the days, weeks even months following a TV spot, contrary to the direct impact that is measured during the first minutes following the diffusion of the spot.. The indirect impact captures the incremental traffic on the long run provoked by the notoriety effect delivered by a ...
Types of Environmental Impacts: Direct , Indirect ...
ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the environmental impacts are : 1. Direct Impact, 2. Indirect Impact, 3.Cumulative impacts and 4.Induced Impact Direct Impacts: Direct impacts occur through direct interaction of an activity with an environmental, social, or economic component. ADVERTISEMENTS: For example, a discharge of any industry or an effluent from the Effluent …
Chapter 412 Indirect and cumulative impacts
Indirect effects should be considered as part of direct effects for all projects. Cumulative effects analysis is required only for EAs and EISs. Projects or activities that are categorically excluded do not have the potential for significant impacts and therefore do not trigger a …
Indirect effect - Wikipedia
Indirect effect is a principle of the European Union (EU) law, whereby national courts of the member states of the EU are required to interpret national law in line with provisions of EU law. The principle of indirect effect contrasts with the principle of direct effect, which, under certain conditions, allows individuals to invoke the EU law itself before national courts. The indirect effect arises from the failure of a member state to implement a directive—either cor…
Definitions - Economic Impact | UAB
01.10.2015 · Definitions. Fiscal year was defined as FY16, October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016. The total impact of an organization includes the spending of the organization, the labor income expenditures, and the value-added to the economy as a result of the organizational spending; this is described as the total industry output.
Definition of indirect impact | Realytics
https://www.realytics.io › glossaire
The indirect impact captures the incremental traffic on the long run provoked by the notoriety effect delivered by a campaign to the brand. This traffic ...
indirect impact Definition | Law Insider
www.lawinsider.com › dictionary › indirect-impact
indirect impact means impacts on the Marine Environment that are caused by Exploitation Activities, and are later in time or farther removed from a Mining Area but are still reasonably foreseeable [or as a result of a complex pathway (physical, chemical and biological)].
Indirect impact definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
https://www.collinsdictionary.com › ...
An indirect result or effect is not caused immediately and obviously by a thing or person, but happens because of something else that they have done. [...].
Why indirect impacts are indeed your business - Metabolic
https://www.metabolic.nl › news
Indirect impacts are those impacts that do not result directly from your company's operations, and are often produced by other entities at a ...
Indirect impact definition and meaning | Collins English ...
www.collinsdictionary.com › indirect-impact
Indirect impact definition: The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Guidance: Indirect Impacts Analysis - the Texas Department of ...
https://ftp.dot.state.tx.us › toolkit › 720-02-gui
Step 1 – Define the Methodology. Numerous methods of analysis are available for the study of induced growth impacts effects. The required environmental review ...
Direct , Indirect , Cumulative and Induced Impact - Your Article ...
https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com › ...
Indirect impacts on the environment are these which are not a direct result of the project, often produced away from or as a result of a complex impact ...