CUMULATIVE IMPACT - NJ › 117-cumulative-impacts-080193cumulative impacts management quickly merges with comprehensive environmental management. THRESHOLDS OF CUMULATIVE IMPACT ASSESSMENT A key attribute characterizing cumulative impacts is the concept of the threshold, or the point at which further use or activity will cause degradation.
8.0 Cumulative Impacts - GSA › cdnstatic › Chapter_8_CumulativeCumulative Effects Under the National Environmental Policy Act, cumulative impacts should be analyzed in terms of the specific resource, ecosystem, and human community being affected and should focus on effects that are truly meaningful (CEQ 1997b). Cumulative impacts are considered for all alternatives, including the No-action Alternative.
Cumulative Impacts - NAMMCO · The cumulative impact of the repetitive and combined past, current and future pressure of different stressors may severely affect individuals and populations. Also, the effects may not be simply additive, but may have synergistic (re-enforcing) impacts, the combined effect exceeding the sum of the individual effects.