BACKSHIFT OF TENSES Verb tenses DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH PRONOUNSVerb tenses Simple Present Do you I am a carpenter. He said that he was a carpenter. ... DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH Direct speech Reported speech I he, she me him, her my his, her, the mine his, hers we they us them
Das Verb der direkten Rede wird nach einem festgelegten Schema in die Vergangenheit gesetzt (backshift of time). tense, direct speech, reported speech. present ...
Indirect speech – Wann benutzt man den Backshift? Reported speech Englisch: Regeln. Personal- und Possessivpronomen in der indirekten Rede; Wie verändern sich ...
Backshift in Reported Speech. He said: "I feel sad." He said that he felt sad. In simple terms, the structure of reported speech is: reporting clause [+ conjunction] + reported clause. he was hungry. John's original words: "I am hungry." We sometimes change the tense of the reported clause by moving it back one tense.
... of the reported clause by moving it back one tense. For example, present simple goes back one tense to past simple. We call this change 'backshift'.
Do you have to backshift the tenses? Do you have to change expressions of time and place? 1. Statements, Questions, Commands. Mind the type of sentences when ...
Das nennst du auch backshift of tenses. Mit der Tabelle bekommst du einen guten Überblick über alle wichtigen backshifts (Zeitverschiebungen). Wichtig: Eine ...
BACKSHIFT OF TENSES Verb tenses DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH PRONOUNSVerb tenses Simple Present Do you I am a carpenter. He said that he was a carpenter. Simple past Present continuous I’m working at the moment. He said that he was working at that moment. Are you feeling Past continuous Simple Past I was there last year.
Feb 12, 2019 · This is a very important particularity of reported speech and is called tense shift or backshift of tenses as (in most cases), the tense is shifted one tense back to the past. In the table below, you will find all the tense shifts that occur when the reported part of the sentence is preceded by a reporting verb in the past tense.
Verschiebung der Zeiten. Wenn der Begleitsatz in der Vergangenheit steht, setzt du die Zeit in der indirekten Rede um eine Zeitstufe zurück (backshift of tenses) ...