install.Rtools function - RDocumentation › topics › installinstall.Rtools: Downloads and installs Rtools Description Install compatible version of Rtools for Windows. By default, the function searches if a compatible Rtools is installed, if not, it offers to install the latest compatible version. Usage install.Rtools (check = TRUE, check_r_update = TRUE, GUI = TRUE, ...) Arguments check
Installing Rtools › modules › 01_DataScientistToolboxOnce the Rtools installation completes, open RStudio; Install the devtools R package if you have not previously done so If you aren't sure, enter find.package("devtools") in the console; To install devtools, use install.packages("devtools") Verify Rtools installation. After devtools is done installing, load it using library(devtools) Then type find_rtools() as shown below