Downloads and installs Rtools — install.Rtools • installr › installDownloads and installs Rtools — install.Rtools • installr Downloads and installs Rtools Install compatible version of Rtools for Windows. By default, the function searches if a compatible Rtools is installed, if not, it offers to install the latest compatible version. install.Rtools( check = TRUE, check_r_update = TRUE, GUI = TRUE, ...) Arguments
has_rtools: Is Rtools installed? in pkgbuild: Find Tools ... › cran › pkgbuildDec 20, 2021 · The default installation process does not add it, so this script finds it (looking first on the path, then in the registry). It also checks that the version of rtools matches the version of R. has_rtools () determines if Rtools is installed, caching the results. Afterward, run rtools_path () to find out where it's installed. Usage 1 2 3 4 5
install.Rtools function - RDocumentation › topics › installInstall compatible version of Rtools for Windows. By default, the function searches if a compatible Rtools is installed, if not, it offers to install the latest compatible version. Usage install.Rtools (check = TRUE, check_r_update = TRUE, GUI = TRUE, ...) Arguments check checks if we need to install Rtools or not. check_r_update
R: Downloads and installs Rtools › CRAN › refmansinstall.Rtools (check = TRUE, check_r_update = TRUE, GUI = TRUE, ...) Arguments Details Rtools is a collection of software for building packages for R under Microsoft Windows, or for building R itself (version 1.9.0 or later). The original collection was put together by Prof. Brian Ripley; it is currently being maintained by Duncan Murdoch. Value