International Journal of Agriculture And Biology
https://fspublishers.orgAbout the Journal International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IJAB) publishes peer reviewed papers on all aspects of agriculture and biology, as reviews (solicited or submitted), research articles (full length and short communications). Contributions are considered for evaluation on the understanding that they are original and not being considered for publication …
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and ...
https://ijaeb.orgInternational Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch (IJAEB) (ISSN:2456-8643) is a open access double blind peer reviewed bi-monthly e-journal, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid peer review system. IJAEB is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold in opens to the world .
International Journal of Agriculture And Biology
fspublishers.orgInternational Journal of Agriculture and Biology (IJAB) publishes peer reviewed papers on all aspects of agriculture and biology, as reviews (solicited or submitted), research articles (full length and short communications). Contributions are considered for evaluation on the understanding that they are original and not being considered for ...