International Journal of Applied Sciences - IJAS › journals › IJASInternational Journal of Applied Sciences (IJAS) is publishing articles in all areas of applied sciences. IJAS is an open access peer review journal that seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the applied sciences, natural and social sciences industrial research materials science and technology, energy technology and society including impacts on the environment, climate, security, and ...
Journal of Applied Life Sciences International
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International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences
ijaas.iaescore.comInternational Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences. International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), p-ISSN 2252-8814, e-ISSN 2722-2594, is a peer-reviewed and open access journal dedicated to publish significant research findings in the field of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology.
Home | IJEAS | Academia and Qualis indexed Journal
www.ijeas.orgWelcome. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of basic and transitional knowledge in engineering, technology and related disciplines.
International Journal of Applied Science and Research
ijasr.orgInternational Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR] is a bi-annual, reviewed, multidisciplinary journal of IJASR focuses on integrating theory, research and practice in the area of Applied Science and Research.It aspires to bring academicians, researchers, industry people and practitioners together.