DD-WRT - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DD-WRTDD-WRT is Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and access points. Originally designed for the Linksys WRT54G series, it now runs on a wide variety of models. DD-WRT is one of a handful of third-party firmware projects designed to replace manufacturer's original firmware with custom firmware offering additional features or functionality.
Is DD-WRT Dead? : techsupport - reddit
www.reddit.com › comments › 13jo18It comes in, I check the sticker, and it's a WNDR3700 V4. No DD-WRT. Basically, I love dd-wrt and its capabilities, but every time I try to get a router with advanced features (dual-band gigabit at least, usb is a perk) that would let me do what I want, I get burned. The good ones have all revved to V2, V4, VWhatever, and don't support it anymore.
DD-WRT - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DD-WRTDD-WRT is one of a handful of third-party firmware projects designed to replace manufacturer's original firmware with custom firmware offering additional features or functionality. Sebastian Gottschall, a.k.a. "BrainSlayer", is the founder and primary maintainer of the DD-WRT project.