The Go Programming Language
https://go.devThe Go language is small, compiles really fast, and as a result it lets your mind focus on the actual problem and less on the tool you are using to solve it. Code, test, debug cycles are so quick that you forget you are not working with an interpreted language. Looking at our code, you see less boilerplate and more business logic.
Documentation - The Go Programming Language Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction.
The Go Programming Language Go Programming Language Alan A. A. Donovan Google Inc. Brian W. Kernighan Princeton University New York • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City
The Go Programming Language › ~msagiv › coursesLanguage Tools Tool Description go build builds Go binaries using only information in the source files themselves, no separate makefiles go test unit testing and microbenchmarks go fmt Preprint the code go get Retrieve and install remote packages go vet Static analyzer looking for potential errors in code go run Build and executing code
The Go Programming Language - beyondkmp › TheFr omC,Go in her ite d itsexpressionsyntax, cont rol-flow statements, basic dat a types, cal l-by-value param-eter passing, point ers,and above all,C’semp hasisonprogramsthatcompi letoefficient machinecodeand cooperatenatural lywit h theabstrac tions ofcur rentoperat ingsystems. The Go Programming Language
Go Tutorial language is a programming language initially developed at Google in the year 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It is a statically-typed language having syntax similar to that of C. It provides garbage collection, type safety, dynamic-typing capability, many advanced built-in types such as variable length arrays and key ...
Go Programming - Tutorialspoint › go › go_tutorialThe Go programming language was launched in November 2009 and is used in some of the Google's production systems. Audience This tutorial is designed for software programmers with a need to understand the Go programming language from scratch. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on