Du lette etter:

leur french

Possessive adjectives - Lawless French
https://www.lawlessfrench.com › p...
Focus on possession · Singular possessions (one item owned) (mon, ma | ton, ta | son, sa | notre | votre | leur) · Plural possessions (two or more items owned) ( ...
leur or leurs: choose the right spelling | Yolaine Bodin
yolainebodin.com › french › spelling-leur-or-leurs
Jan 20, 2018 · Leur belongs to two categories of words – grammatically speaking: it can be a personal pronoun (= them) or a possessive adjective (= their). Here, leur is the plural form of “lui” (= to him, to her), and is an indirect personal pronoun. In the plural, “lui” becomes leur, whether feminine or masculine: As you may have noticed from the ...
What does leur mean in French? - WordHippo
www.wordhippo.com › french-word-leur
à leur sujet. about them. à leur insu. without their knowledge. à leur tour. in their turn.
English Translation of “leur” | Collins French-English ...
French: leur; German: ihr; Greek: δικός τους; Italian: loro; Japanese: 彼らの; Korean: 그들의; Norwegian: deres; Polish: ich; European Portuguese: deles; Romanian: lor; Russian: их; Latin American Spanish: su; Swedish: deras; Thai: ของพวกเขา; Turkish: onların; Ukrainian: їхній; Vietnamese: của họ
French Indirect Object Pronouns (lui, leur)
www.frenchlearner.com › grammar › indirect-object
Les pronoms compléments indirects: me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur. An indirect object pronoun replaces the person to whom a verb is carried out. It replaces only people or animals. “I talk to my brother/my dog -> I talk to him.”. The golden rule here is this: Verbs followed by the preposition à trigger the usage of the indirect object pronoun.
Spelling “leur” or “leurs” - The Language Nook - Yolaine Bodin
https://yolainebodin.com › french
As you already know, in French, adjectives can be singular or plural depending on the number of the thing they describe. In the plural, you ...
Notre, nos, votre, vos, leur, leurs = our, your, their (possessive ...
https://french.kwiziq.com › grammar
Notre, nos, votre, vos, leur, leurs = our, your, their (possessive adjectives) · Related lessons · Find your French level for FREE · Learn more ...
English Translation of “leur” | Collins French-English Dictionary
www.collinsdictionary.com › french-english › leur
English Translation of “leur” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.
leur translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
dictionary.reverso.net › french-english › leur
Je leur ai dit la vérité. I told them the truth. Je le leur ai donné. I gave it to them. (possessif) le leur, la leur, les leurs theirs. mon camion et le leur my truck and theirs. Ma voiture est rouge, la leur est bleue. My car's red, theirs is blue. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary.
Indirect object pronouns - lui, leur - GCSE French Revision
https://www.bbc.co.uk › bitesize › guides › revision
Where do they go in a sentence? ... These pronouns go before the verb: ... Lui replaces masculine or feminine nouns in the singular form: ... Leur replaces masculine ...
How To Use Indirect Object Pronouns In French: (lui, Leur ...
10.12.2020 · You have to use indirect object pronouns (lui, leur), with verbs followed by the preposition à. The French preposition à means “to” in English. There are certain verbs in French that are followed by the preposition à .
leur - Wiktionary
22.10.2021 · French Etymology . From Old French lor, from Latin illōrum, genitive masculine plural of ille. Pronunciation . IPA : /lœʁ/
leur | translate French to English: Cambridge Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › l...
leur translate: their, to them, their, their, them, them. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.
leur or leurs? when does either apply? in what con | Free ...
leur or leurs? when does either apply? in what context - I am confused with the plural. This question relates to: French lesson "Replacing people with lui, leur = him, her, them (indirect object pronouns)"
Les Lilloises qualifiées pour les huitièmes de Coupe de ...
12.01.2022 · Après une victoire 7-0 acquise ce week-end aux dépens de Beauvais, les joueuses de Rachel Saidi se sont de nouveau largement imposées en seizièmes de finale de Coupe de France féminines. Face à Issy-les-Moulineaux, club de D1, les buts de Gwen Devlech, Noémie Mouchon, Lorena Azzaro, Maite Boucly et Salomé Elisor ont permis aux Dogues de l’emporter …
Different meanings of 'leur' - French Language
http://www.forum.french-linguistics.co.uk › ...
I understand 'leur' can mean either 'their' or 'them', depending on context, so I've tried to construct a sentence using both meanings: J'ai ...
French Indirect Object Pronouns (lui, leur)
Unlike the direct object pronoun, we do not distinguish between gender. Lui and leur are used for him, her and them. indirect object pronouns in French. Je -> me (m’)-> me Tu -> te (t’) -> you il -> lui-> him elle -> lui-> her nous -> nous us vous -> vous you ils -> leur them (masculine) elles -> leur (feminine) example sentences. Je téléphone à mon frere.
Ils traversent la France avec leur roulotte et leur cheval ...
10.12.2021 · Ils traversent la France avec leur roulotte et leur cheval depuis deux ans Cynthia et Anthony sont des voyageurs hors du commun. Avec leur roulotte, ils sillonnent les routes.
Coupe de France: les supporters du PSG ont guetté «leurs ...
19.12.2021 · Coupe de France; Football amateur; Régional 1; Euro; Ligue des Champions; Ligue Europa; Coupe du Monde; Basket. BCM; Handball. USDK; Athlétisme; Courses à pied. Route du Louvre; Calendrier des ...
leur translation in English | French-English dictionary ...
leur translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'leurre',leurrer',leurs',leu', examples, definition, conjugation
English Translation of “leur” | Collins French-English Dictionary
https://www.collinsdictionary.com › dictionary › leur
English Translation of “leur” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100000 English translations of French words and phrases.