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list cmake

ListOperations · Wiki · CMake / Community - Kitware's GitLab ...
https://gitlab.kitware.com › macros
Lists are an important component of most CMakeLists.txt files. Lists are built automatically from arguments to commands and macros.
how to display and return a list with cmake - Stack Overflow
01.10.2016 · It's my first time with cmake, and I have two questions about lists: 1) How to display a list ? 2) How to return a list in a function ? Here is …
cmake Tutorial => Strings and Lists
It's important to know how CMake distinguishes between lists and plain strings. When you write: set (VAR "a b c") you create a string with the value "a b c". But when you write this line without quotes: set (VAR a b c) You create a list of three items instead: "a", "b" and "c". Non-list variables are actually lists too (of a single element).
CMakeLists.txt | CLion - CLion Help
29.05.2021 · CMakeLists.txt. CMakeLists.txt file contains a set of directives and instructions describing the project's source files and targets (executable, library, or both).. When you create a new project, CLion generates CMakeLists.txt file automatically and places it in the project root directory. To open a project, you can point CLion to the top-level CMakeLists.txt and choose …
Cmake命令之list介绍 - 简书
www.jianshu.com › p › 89fb01752d6f
Cmake命令之list介绍. 命令格式. list (subcommand <list> [args...]) subcommand为具体的列表操作子命令,例如读取、查找、修改、排序等。<list>为待操作的列表变量,[args...]为对列表变量操作需要使用的参数表,不同的子命令对应的参数也不一致。
CMake Lists | Jeremi Mucha
https://jeremimucha.com › 2021/03
A CMake list is a semicolon-separated sequence of elements. And since everything in CMake is a string, this means that a list is a semicolon- ...
CMake Primer — LLVM 15.0.0git documentation
https://llvm.org › docs › CMakePri...
Introduction · 10,000 ft View · Scripting Overview · Variables, Types, and Scope. Dereferencing; Lists; Lists of Lists; Other Types; Scope · Control Flow. If, ...
CMake 中的list操作_阿飞的蝶的博客-CSDN博客_cmake 数组
22.12.2015 · 一般在使用CMakelists进行编译的时候所有源文件都写在一个文件中了。但是我们使用过很多库发现他们都有一个文件夹叫cmake或者cmake_modules之类的。这类文件夹一般包含很多.cmake文件,这类文件把本来该写在CMakeLists.txt里的内容分散开来,用来找特定的库之类的。
CMakeLists.txt | CLion - JetBrains
https://www.jetbrains.com › help
txt file automatically and places it in the project root directory. To open a project, you can point CLion to the top-level CMakeLists.txt and ...
list() | cmake 3.14 | API Mirror
https://apimirror.com › cmake~3.14 › command › list
cmake. list. List operations. Synopsis. Reading list(LENGTH <list> <out-var>) list(GET <list> <element index> [<index> ...] <out-var>) list(JOIN <list> ...
how to display and return a list with cmake - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 39810425
Oct 01, 2016 · In CMake name of variable or list may itself be expressed as a result of deference of another variable. Constructions below are perfectly valid: set (my_var_name "a") set ($ {my_var_name} "some value") # Assign value to variable 'a' set (name_suffix "b") list (APPEND list_$ {name_suffix} "other value") # Appends to a list 'list_b'.
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
A list in cmake is a ; separated group of strings. To create a list the set command can be used. To create a list the set command can be used. For example, set(var a b c d e) creates a list with a;b;c;d;e , and set(var "a b c d e") creates a string or a list with one item in it.
CMake: リスト - Qiita
リストを操作するコマンド. リストには、list()というリスト操作のための便利なコマンドが組み込みで用意されています。このlist()コマンドは、第一引数にコマンドを指定することで様々な動作を行います。リストの変更をするものは破壊的変更をします。また、リストのインデックスを …
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha
15.03.2021 · CMake lists can be iterated, searched, sorted, reversed, transformed. Recent versions of CMake support quite a rich set of operations – pretty much everything you’d expect is there. I’ve already shown how to define a list, let’s move on to something equally basic – …
cmake list append for compiler flags yields bogus results?
https://stackoverflow.com › cmake...
In CMake, a "list" is a string of items separated by semi-colons. For example: set(FOO "a") list(APPEND FOO "b") # now FOO="a;b" list(APPEND ...
Best way to check with CMake whether list containts a ...
26.04.2014 · In CMake's wiki I found a LIST_CONTAINS macro, but the wiki page is outdated. Is this still the best way to go or has CMake gained new capabilities? cmake. Share. Follow asked Apr 27, 2014 at 12:02. usr1234567 usr1234567. 18.9k 14 14 gold badges 104 104 silver badges 119 119 bronze badges.
Cmake命令之list介绍 - 简书
Cmake命令之list介绍. 命令格式. list (subcommand <list> [args...]) subcommand为具体的列表操作子命令,例如读取、查找、修改、排序等。<list>为待操作的列表变量,[args...]为对列表变量操作需要使用的参数表,不同的子命令对应的参数也不一致。. list命令即对列表的一系列操作,cmake中的列表变量是用分号 ...
CMake List of all Project Targets - Code - CMake Discourse
22.04.2020 · Inside a cmake module, define a property to contain the list of targets. After using add_executable () or add_library (), use that macro to insert the target in the list. My use case was to generate an installation option for each target automatically. The list of targets can be used for something else I guess.
cmake Tutorial => Strings and Lists
https://riptutorial.com › example
Lists can be operated on with the list() command, which allows concatenating lists, searching them, accessing arbitrary elements and so on (documentation of ...
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha
jeremimucha.com › 2021 › 03
Mar 15, 2021 · CMake Lists Just a string, but also a list.. What is a list? In the broadest sense, it’s a sequential collection, or container, of... Operations on lists. CMake lists can be iterated, searched, sorted, reversed, transformed. Recent versions of CMake... Iteration. When you need to perform operations ...
cmake Tutorial => Strings and Lists
riptutorial.com › cmake › example
It's important to know how CMake distinguishes between lists and plain strings. When you write: set (VAR "a b c") you create a string with the value "a b c". But when you write this line without quotes: set (VAR a b c) You create a list of three items instead: "a", "b" and "c". Non-list variables are actually lists too (of a single element).
Application Development - Zephyr Project Documentation
https://docs.zephyrproject.org › latest
CMakeLists.txt: This file tells the build system where to find the other application files, and links the application directory with Zephyr's CMake build system ...
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
https://cmake.org › latest › command
A list in cmake is a ; separated group of strings. To create a list the set command can be used. For example, set(var a b c d e) creates a list with a;b;c;d ...
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
Introduction ¶. The list subcommands APPEND, INSERT, FILTER, PREPEND , POP_BACK, POP_FRONT, REMOVE_AT, REMOVE_ITEM , REMOVE_DUPLICATES, REVERSE and SORT may create new values for the list within the current CMake variable scope. Similar to the set () command, the LIST command creates new variable values in the current scope, even if the list ...