Logic-puzzle solver - University of Kentucky
www.cs.uky.edu › ~raphael › studentWorkLogic-puzzle solver Student: Darra Ricks (2013). Purpose: The Logic Puzzle Solver (LPS) is a web application that serves as an aid for performing the deductive reasoning necessary to solve logic puzzles and problems. This program allows the user to create a custom logic grid and deduces information based on logic clues entered by the user.
Logic Puzzles | Solve a Puzzle
https://logic.puzzlebaron.com/init.php21.12.2021 · The Puzzle Baron family of web sites has served millions and millions of puzzle enthusiasts since its inception in 2006. From jigsaw puzzles to acrostics, logic puzzles to drop quotes, patchwords to wordtwist and even sudoku and crossword puzzles, we run the gamut in word puzzles, printable puzzles and logic games.
Logical Solver – Johannes Singler's Private Website
jsingler.de › apps › logikloeserOct 27, 1999 · LogicalSolver. LogicalSolver supports you in solving a logic grid puzzle that is also known as logical, logigram or logiquiz . Read the Help . Loading LogicalSolver... Click left for a negative relation (-), click right (or long-click, or while Ctrl key pressed) for a positive relation (+). To undo/redo, go backward/forward in your browser.
Logic Puzzles | Solve a Puzzle
logic.puzzlebaron.com › initDec 21, 2021 · The Puzzle Baron family of web sites has served millions and millions of puzzle enthusiasts since its inception in 2006. From jigsaw puzzles to acrostics, logic puzzles to drop quotes, patchwords to wordtwist and even sudoku and crossword puzzles, we run the gamut in word puzzles, printable puzzles and logic games.
Logic Puzzles by Puzzle Baron
https://logic.puzzlebaron.comWe've got more than 25,000 unique puzzles available for play, both online and the old fashioned way - with pencil and paper. Feel free to solve online just for fun, or, for an added challenge, register a free account and compete against thousands of other solvers to make it into our Logic Puzzle Hall of Fame! Start a New Puzzle »