Longest words - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_wordsAfrikaans, as it is a daughter language of the Dutch language, is capable of forming compounds of potentially limitless length in the same way as in the Dutch language. According to the Total Book of South African Records, the longest word in the language is Tweedehandsemotorverkoopsmannevakbondstakingsvergaderingsameroeperstoespraa…The Bulgarian online etymological dictionary claims that longest word in Bulgarian to be the 39-l…
Longest English word with letters arranged in alphabetical ...
https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-english...16.08.2020 · What. Aegilops, at eight letters long, is the longest word whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order. Seven letter words with this property include beefily and billowy. Six letter words include abhors, accent, access, almost, biopsy, bijoux, billow, chintz, effort, and ghosty. Aegilops - 1) a genus of goatgrass 2) stye in inner corner of ...
Longest English word with letters arranged in alphabetical ...
www.guinnessworldrecords.com › world-recordsAegilops, at eight letters long, is the longest word whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order. Seven letter words with this property include beefily and billowy. Six letter words include abhors, accent, access, almost, biopsy, bijoux, billow, chintz, effort, and ghosty.