Manjaro - Downloads Minimal edition is Manjaro ARM, but without a Desktop Environment or Xorg at all. Device Maintainer: Ray Sherwin. Edition Maintainer: Dan Johansen. Get Raspberry Pi 4 Sway 21.12. Manjaro ARM with the lightweight tiling window manager sway.
Downloads Berryboot Images - BerryServer › imagesApr 07, 2019 · Manjaro ARM minimal for Raspberry Pi 1 & Zero (400.2 MiB, 1,260 downloads) March 18, 2017 This was requested, according to his author: “Manjaro Linux is an ArchLinux-based distribution that makes the awesomeness that is ArchLinux simple and easy to use. It offers an easy install and setup for almost all Linux users”.
Manjaro-ARM - Manjaro dd if=Manjaro-ARM-[Edition]-[Device]-[Version].img of=/dev/[device] bs=4M Where [device] is your SD card's device, as seen by lsblk. Usually mmcblk0 or sdb. Cleanup and First Boot. Once you have the image on the SDCard, you should be able to put the card into your device and plug it in.