Arch User Repository - Manjaro › index › Arch_User_RepositoryAccessing the AUR Using GUI Pamac. Open Pamac - the name in menu is Add/Remove Software and navigate to the Preferences page. You will be required to enter your password to access it.At Preferences page → select the Third Party tab → and move the slider to enable AUR support. Be sure you have the necessary files for building applications from source
What is AUR? How to use AUR in Arch and Manjaro Linux? · Enabling AUR support in Manjaro Linux. AUR isn’t enabled by default and you have to enable it through pamac. My laptop runs Manjaro Cinnamon but the steps are same for all Manjaro flavors. Open Pamac (listed as Add/Remove Software): Once you are in pamac go to preferences like shown below. In preferences dialog box go to AUR tab, enable the ...