Manjaro (Awesome WM) Installation Failed : linux4noobs › r › linux4noobsIt says: The installer failed to create a partition table on fedora_localhost-live. Create a new partition table (type:gpt) on '/dev/fedora_localhost-live'. Job: Create new partition table on device '/dev/fedora_localhost-live'. I've never had an issue previously with installing new linux distributions and couldn't find anything on google about ...
Manjaro - Common Problems Problems. Almost nothing is without problems and while our team and our community works hard to get rid of all problems they encounter, some might slip through the cracks or are caused by some external influences. Here are some common problems that other users encountered. If you encountered something that is not listed here, You can ...
Manjaro - Update or installation fails › support › commonproblemsJust search cache in the application menu. If no cache cleaner is available, open a terminal and enter: Open a terminal and enter: This is caused by restructuring of some packages. Click on “Run in Terminal” to be able to upgrade. The terminal will ask you questions if packages shall be removed. Answer ‘yes’ to all of them.