Manjaro - Downloads KDE Plasma 21.2.0. Built-in interface to easily access and install themes, widgets, etc. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy. This edition is supported by the Manjaro team and comes with KDE Plasma, a very modern and flexible desktop.
Manjaro - Downloads › downloadGet KDE Plasma 21.2.0. Built-in interface to easily access and install themes, widgets, etc. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy. This edition is supported by the Manjaro team and comes with KDE Plasma, a very modern and flexible desktop.
Manjaro Linux download | · So I have been looking at Linux as an alternative. I've sampled all the major LInux distros, and I've settled on Manjaro as the best for my purposes. The rolling release is one of the best features, and it amazes me as a Windows user that one virtually NEVER has to reboot the computer after an update, unlike Windows, MacOS or IOS.
Manjaro Linux download | › projects › manjarolinuxNov 19, 2021 · The updates are frequent but trouble-free to install, and the system is robust and stable. I am closer now to leaving the Windows user base and migrating all my computers to Manjaro than at any time in the past. I may have to keep a Windows PC around to support my wife, but my computing can be done on Linux using Manjaro.