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manjaro kde scaling

Manjaro KDE system UI is oversized - Graphics & Display
https://forum.manjaro.org › manjar...
i have tried force dpi but if i do that system UI become fine but other software become small size. my global scale is at 100%. inxi -Fxxz.
Linux: Scaled vs Native Resolution? | Linux.org
14.07.2020 · If you must buy a 2K monitor, either run it without scaling or if you have to scale to 1080p text sizes, you have to use KDE. I've tried Gnome and xfce but both aren't able to scale without text being fuzzy or inconsistently sized UI elements. e.g. I'm running 125% scaling on my 2K monitor using Manjaro KDE.
Fractional Scaling in Gnome - Manjaro Linux Forum
06.09.2020 · The best setup so far with impressive results have been Manjaro KDE. I am not telling you to switch but from my own very limited experience it seems to be the best working for fractional scaling and that’s out of the box. The other desktop environment that comes close would be deepin. I am using a Matebook 13 2020 with intel GPU.
How well does Manjaro work with 4k? : ManjaroLinux - reddit
I've been using Manjaro + XFCE on my Samsung 40" 4k TV at 180% scaling and there are only a couple of minor issues. 1.) The biggest problem has nothing to do with scaling or video at all, but is rather the poor mouse settings support. I have pointer acceleration at 100% and it still takes a day to move the pointer across the screen. 2.)
Change display scale automatically depending on monitor
https://forum.manjaro.org › chang...
Hi all, I have an HP Elitebook G6 with a 14" screen and 1920 x 1080 resolution. Display scale of my Manjaro KDE works nice at 150%.
HiDPI - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
HiDPI. From ArchWiki. HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) displays, also known by Apple's " Retina Display " marketing name, are screens with a high resolution in a relatively small format. They are mostly found in high-end laptops and monitors. Not all software behaves well in …
KDE - Manjaro wiki
https://wiki.manjaro.org › index.php
While KDE Plasma offers a way to 'scale' the appearance this feature does not always give good results, especially with fractional scaling ...
Specific scaling for a monitor - Kde Plasma - Manjaro Linux Forum
forum.manjaro.org › t › specific-scaling-for-a
Jan 05, 2022 · Specific scaling for a monitor. Support Kde Plasma. misTx 5 January 2022 07:19 #1. I am using a dual monitor setup, it is as follows: Laptop Screen [ Primary ] [ eDP-1 ] ( 1920x768 ) Second screen ( 1366x768 ) And global scaling is set to 100% ( default ) image 841×683 39.6 KB. Issue which i am facing is, i want scaling for my primary ( 1080p ...
Scaling & screens with KDE - Newbie Corner - Manjaro Linux Forum
archived.forum.manjaro.org › t › scaling-screens
Aug 07, 2018 · Thank you for your answer !! 🙂 But in xrandr --help i don't find how to reset it ! 😦 EDIT: I found youre post : HiDPI support in Manjaro I'm trying to follow it and now searching how to show hidden folder. EDIT 2 : I can't follow youre tutorial, i don't have [Containments][8][General]. I don't have anything in X11. I don't know what kind of SDDM i'm using jajajajajajajja 😄 I just have ...
Specific scaling for a monitor - Kde Plasma - Manjaro ...
1 dag siden · Specific scaling for a monitor. Support Kde Plasma. misTx 5 January 2022 07:19 #1. I am using a dual monitor setup, it is as follows: Laptop Screen [ Primary ] [ eDP-1 ] ( 1920x768 ) Second screen ( 1366x768 ) And global scaling is set to 100% ( default ) image 841×683 39.6 KB. Issue which i am facing is, i want scaling for my primary ( 1080p ...
HiDPI (简体中文) - ArchWiki
In this case laptop monitor (eDP1) has no scaling and uses native mode for resolution so it will total 2560x1440, but external monitor (HDMI) is scaled and it has to be considered a larger screen so (1920*1.35)x(1080*1.35) from where the eDP1 Y position came 1080*1.35=1458 and the total screen size: since one on top of the other X=(greater between eDP1 and HDMI, so …
KDE - Manjaro
wiki.manjaro.org › index › KDE
Appearance HiDPI. If your screen has a relatively large resolution some portions of your desktop may appear abnormally small. While KDE Plasma offers a way to 'scale' the appearance this feature does not always give good results, especially with fractional scaling (1.25x instead of 2x).
Weird Scaling issues on Manjaro KDE with Nvidia 3060
https://forum.manjaro.org › weird-...
I installed manjaro KDE on Lenovo Legion 5 2021(15ACH6H) with iGPU disabled(with MUX switch) and some elements were scaled weirdly (the ...
HiDPI support in Manjaro - Tutorials
https://archived.forum.manjaro.org › ...
How to boot into XFCE? HiDPI scaling and fonts. How to scale Manjaro KDE system tray icons, Status and Notification icons and the Manjaro Application Launcher ...
Scaling & screens with KDE - Newbie Corner - Manjaro Linux ...
06.08.2018 · Thank you for your answer !! 🙂 But in xrandr --help i don't find how to reset it ! 😦 EDIT: I found youre post : HiDPI support in Manjaro I'm trying to follow it and now searching how to show hidden folder. EDIT 2 : I can't follow youre tutorial, i don't have [Containments][8][General]. I don't have anything in X11. I don't know what kind of SDDM i'm using jajajajajajajja 😄 I just have ...
KDE Global Scaling / Save display properties
https://forum.manjaro.org › kde-gl...
Hey, I'm just looking to clarify if something is a bug or my lack of understanding of the setting. I have a laptop with a 4K screen and I ...
Set different scaling level per monitor? : ManjaroLinux
www.reddit.com › r › ManjaroLinux
Using Manjaro KDE Stable branch w/most recent updates on Kernel 5.1.18-1. Just got a 4k monitor to add as a tertiary monitor. Have a 1440p and a 1080p to go with it. Scaling is set to 1 using Displays - System Settings Module and has been that way since I installed a few months ago. 1 on this 4k monitor is waaaay too low.
Fractional Scaling - Support - Manjaro Linux Forum
https://forum.manjaro.org › fractio...
I just installed Manjaro Gnome 21.1.1 on my 2013 macBook Pro. ... I tried Manjaro KDE and the fractional scaling checkbox is present.
When i change the scale in manjaro Kde wayland, also the ...
https://forum.manjaro.org › when-i...
here the 2 images problem with scaling - Album on Imgur when i change the scale because otherwise everything is too small, the resolution ...
How to set PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING? - Manjaro Linux Forum
09.03.2020 · Hello! I am trying to configure Manjaro on my 4K display monitor. First of all, I set the global scale to 2.0 from the settings. That did help in scaling most elements like fonts, icons, and windows. However the tray panel along with its icons remained very small. I am using Manjaro KDE (latest version). I read online that to resolve my problems I need to set the …
Fractional Scaling in Gnome - Gnome - Manjaro Linux Forum
forum.manjaro.org › t › fractional-scaling-in-gnome
Sep 06, 2020 · The best setup so far with impressive results have been Manjaro KDE. I am not telling you to switch but from my own very limited experience it seems to be the best working for fractional scaling and that’s out of the box. The other desktop environment that comes close would be deepin. I am using a Matebook 13 2020 with intel GPU.
Manjaro - KDE Plasma
manjaro.org › downloads › official
Manjaro kde built-in interface to easily access and install themes, widgets, etc. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy.
Display scaling won't go lower than 125% KDE Plasma
https://forum.manjaro.org › displa...
I have a strange issue regarding display scaling on a lenovo thinkpad with intel graphics. First of all, yes, I rebooted multiple times.
KDE - Manjaro
While KDE Plasma offers a way to 'scale' the appearance this feature does not always give good results, especially with fractional scaling (1.25x instead of 2x). The best results hinge on applying font DPI settings. It is advisable to keep your configuration to 'quarter steps'. Example:
Recently gave Manjaro a try and I'm impressed, although I ...
First, I want to thank the Manjaro team and community. I'm impressed with Manjaro and enjoying using Linux on the desktop again. I'm currently using the KDE version of Manjaro. After a few days of tweaking, it quickly grew on me. Overall it feels polished and well done. If I could play all my games on Linux I would probably make it my primary OS.