NTFS-3G - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
wiki.archlinux.org › title › NTFS-3GThe traditional: The mount type ntfs-3g does not need to be explicitly specified in Arch. The mount command by default will use /usr/bin/mount.ntfs which is symlinked to /usr/bin/ntfs-3g after the ntfs-3g package is installed. The second option is to call ntfs-3g directly: See ntfs-3g (8) for the available options.
NTFS-3G - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NTFS-3GNote: The ntfs-3g package does not have internal FUSE support. Rebuild the package using ABS to enable FUSE support.. The full explanation is that "user" and "users" work via a setuid mount not dropping its setuid privilege so that the block device can be used without root. However, ntfs-3g has a hard-coded restriction in ntfs-3g that bails on setuid if an external libfuse is used.
Fstab - Manjaro
https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php/FstabUsing the same example fstab file and "Win-Data" line as above, ntfs-3g is the file system we're mounting this one under although the blkid shows ntfs. This is simply because the ntfs driver is a read-only driver (allowing you to see your Windows files, but not modify them, whereas the ntfs-3g (for 3rd generation) allows most NTFS options (except encryption) thus also read-write …