Manjaro - Downloads › get-manjaroGet KDE Plasma 21.2.0. Built-in interface to easily access and install themes, widgets, etc. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy. This edition is supported by the Manjaro team and comes with KDE Plasma, a very modern and flexible desktop.
MANJARO LINUX - NCHC › osdn › storageimage files start with manjaro-xfce. KDE This version includes the K Desktop Environment. It offers a highly integrated environment with plenty of functionality and options. It is also highly customizable and offers a slightly differ-ent feel than the other editions. KDE edition disc image files start with manjaro-kde.
Manjaro - Downloads 21.0 Ornara | XFCE Get KDE Plasma 21.2.0 Built-in interface to easily access and install themes, widgets, etc. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy. This edition is supported by the Manjaro team and comes with KDE Plasma, a very modern and flexible desktop. KDE Plasma is for people who want a user-friendly and customizable desktop.
Manjaro - XFCE Manjaro without modifying your current operating system. Or install it to your hard drive. Learn how to create a bootable USB-Stick and use a virtual machine, setup a live system and install Manjaro.Finally check out our Manual and you are done, Enjoy.. YOU are awesome, Please consider donating and help guarantee the future of this project.