MariaDB - Unraid › topic › 40737-supportAug 24, 2015 · docker exec -it mariadb bash. mysqladmin -u root password <PASSWORD>. to change that password after the docker is running. 3. Delete the MySQL root password variable in the template and restart the docker. 4. Run the Kodi dB setup-. Quote. docker exec -it mariadb bash.
MariaDB Web UI : unRAID - reddit › r › unRAIDMariaDB Web UI. I’ve been running my UnRaid server for a few months now and I’ve really enjoyed tinkering with it and trying different containers etc. I have linuxserver/mariadb installed, as it is used for other containers, such as NextCloud. I’ve always used tutorials to create databases for these containers - I only started learning a ...
MariaDB - Unraid › topic › 40737-supportAug 24, 2015 · Have you tried installing MariaDB to a new appdata like /mnt/cache/appdata/mariadb2, verify that this works, stop the container, copy the content of the mariadb dir to the mariadb2 dir, pray a bit and start it back up? Without real backup, that's the only thing I can think of.
MariaDB - Unraid › topic › 40737-supportAug 24, 2015 · mariadb-bin.000148 mariadb-bin.000151 mariadb-bin.000154 mariadb-bin.index. mariadb-bin.000149 mariadb-bin.000152 mariadb-bin.000155 mariadb-bin.state. mariadb-bin.000150 mariadb-bin.000153 mariadb-bin.000156 hope this help happy to advise with further details if necessary thanks