1 Markov’s Inequality
homepage.cs.uiowa.edu › ~sriram › 5360Theorem 1 (Markov’s Inequality) Let Xbe a non-negative random variable. Then, Pr(X a) E[X] a; for any a>0. Before we discuss the proof of Markov’s Inequality, rst let’s look at a picture that illustrates the event that we are looking at. E[X] a Pr(X a) Figure 1: Markov’s Inequality bounds the probability of the shaded region.
Markov’s Inequality
people.engr.tamu.edu › csce689-s10 › markovcontrol the probability distribution of a random variable. For example, let X be a non-negative random variable; if E[X] < t, then Markov’s inequality asserts that Pr[X ‚ t] • E[X]=t < 1, which implies that the event X < t has nonzero probability. The next theorem removes the restriction to nonnegative random variables. Theorem 5.
Math 20 { Inequalities of Markov and Chebyshev
math.dartmouth.edu › ~m20x18 › markovProposition 1 (Markov’s Inequality). Let Xbe a random variable that takes only nonneg-ative values. Then for any positive real number a, P(X a) E(X) a provided E(X) exists. For example, Markov’s inequality tells us that as long as X doesn’t take negative values, the probability that Xis twice as large as its expected value is at most 1 2 ...
1 Markov’s Inequality
www.ee.iitb.ac.in › ~bsraj › coursesHandout 25 EE 325 Probability and Random Processes Lecture Notes 20 November 5, 2014 1 Markov’s Inequality Recall the Markov’s inequality for the discrete random variables. An exact analog holds for continuous valued random variables too. We will state a more general version. Theorem 1 For a non-negative random variable X, P(X>a)≤ E[X] a;a>0:
Markov's Inequality - Stat 88
stat88.org › Chapter_06 › 03_Markovs_InequalityMarkov's inequality says that the chance that a non-negative random variable is at least three times its mean can be no more than $1/3$. The chance that the random variable is at least four times its mean can be no more than $1/4$. And so on. A non-negative random variable is not likely to exceed its mean by a big factor. What does Markov's ...
Markov's inequality - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Markov&In probability theory, Markov's inequality gives an upper bound for the probability that a non-negative function of a random variable is greater than or equal to some positive constant. It is named after the Russian mathematician Andrey Markov, although it appeared earlier in the work of Pafnuty Chebyshev (Markov's teacher), and many sources ...