Life on Mars - Wikipedia › wiki › Life_on_MarsMars-1 was the first spacecraft launched to Mars in 1962, but communication was lost while en route to Mars. With Mars-2 and Mars-3 in 1971–1972, information was obtained on the nature of the surface rocks and altitude profiles of the surface density of the soil, its thermal conductivity, and thermal anomalies detected on the surface of Mars.
Mars - Wikipedia › wiki › MarsMars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, with surface features such as impact craters, valleys, dunes, and polar ice caps . Olympus Mons, the largest volcano and highest known mountain on any Solar System planet, and Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyons in the Solar System, are on Mars.
Mars - Wikipedia is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury. In English, Mars carries the name of the Roman god of war and is often called the "Red Planet". The latter refers to the effect of the iron oxide prevalent on Mars's surface,
Mars, Incorporated - Wikipedia › wiki › Mars,_IncorporatedMars is a company known for the confectionery items that it creates, such as Mars bars, Milky Way bars, M&M's, Skittles, Snickers, and Twix.They also produce non-confectionery snacks, such as Combos, and other foods, including Ben's Original, and pasta sauce brand Dolmio, as well as pet foods, such as Pedigree, Whiskas, Nutro and Royal Canin brands.
Mars – Wikipedia eller MARS kan avse: . Mars (mytologi) – i romersk mytologi vanligen betecknas romarnas krigsgud Mars (planet) – den fjärde planeten från solen Mars (månad) – en månad Mars (skepp) – ett svenskt örlogsfartyg från 1564 Marsoroligheterna – ett antal upplopp som utspelade sig i Stockholm 1848; Mars och Venus (skulptur) – en skulpturgrupp från 1775 av den svenske ...
Mars (planet) – Wikipedia (symbol: ) er den fjerde planeten fra solen i vårt solsystem og er oppkalt etter den romerske krigsguden Mars. Planeten blir ofte beskrevet som den «røde planeten» på grunn av sitt rustrøde utseende, forårsaket av jern(III)oksid på overflaten. Mars er en steinplanet med en tynn atmosfære. Overflateegenskapene minner om både nedslagskraterne på månen og vulkanene, dalene, ørkenene og …
Mars, Incorporated - Wikipedia,_IncorporatedMars, Incorporated is an American multinational manufacturer of confectionery, pet food, and other food products and a provider of animal care services, with US$40 billion in annual sales in 2020. It was ranked as the 6th largest privately held company in the United States by Forbes. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, United States, the company is entirely owned by the Mars …
Mars – Wikipedia har flere betydninger: . Mars (planet), en av planetene i solsystemet Mars (gud) i den romerske mytologien Mars (måned), den tredje i året Mars, Incorporated, et amerikansk selskap; Frank C. Mars, grunnleggeren av Mars, Inc; Mars (sjokolade), en sjokolade Mars-500, et prosjekt for å simulere en romferd til planeten Mars; MARS, et musikkalbum av Gackts
Mars (bolygó) – Wikipédia › wiki › Mars_(bolygó)A Mars kutatásával foglalkozó tudósok szerint a Mars lakhatóvá tétele a mai technológiával nem megvalósítható. A Marson rendelkezésre áll szén-dioxid és víz, amik üvegházhatású gázok, és ezek elvileg alkalmasak lennének a bolygó felmelegítésére. Azonban a szén-dioxid légnyomása a Marson a Földinek kevesebb mint 1%-a.
Mars (mythology) - Wikipedia › wiki › Mars_(mythology)Venus and Mars, fresco from Pompeii, ca. 20 BC — 50s AD. In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars ( Latin: Mārs, pronounced [maːrs]) was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was the son of Jupiter and Juno, and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the ...
Mars - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a terrestrial planet and made of rock.The ground there is red because of iron oxide (rust) in the rocks and dust. The planet's atmosphere is very thin. It is mostly carbon dioxide with some argon and nitrogen and tiny amounts of other gases including oxygen.The temperatures on Mars are colder than on Earth, because it is farther away from the Sun and has less air to keep heat in.
Mars – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia – czwarta od Słońca planeta Układu Słonecznego.Krąży między orbitą Ziemi a pasem planetoid, dzielącym go od orbity Jowisza.Planeta została nazwana od imienia rzymskiego boga wojny – Marsa, zawdzięcza ją barwie, która przy obserwacji z Ziemi wydaje się rdzawo-czerwona i kojarzyła się starożytnym Rzymianom z pożogą wojenną.
Planeten Mars – Wikipedia er den fjerde planeten frå sola i solsystemet vårt. På grunn av den raude fargen sin, som kan minna om blod, har han fått namn etter den romerske krigsguden Mars.Mars har to små månar, Phobos (frykt) og Deimos (skrekk). Begge er små og har irregulære former, dei er moglegvis innfanga asteroidar.. Marsgeografien har to rekordar i solsystemet.Den utdøydde vulkanen …