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mathematica conjugate does not work

Simplification of expression with complex variables - Wolfram ...
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Problem 1. It is fine to try. In[1]:= FullSimplify[x Conjugate[x]] Out[1]= Abs[x]^2. However it doesn't work with. In[2]:= FullSimplify[x y Conjugate[x y]]
Conjugate - Wolfram Language Documentation
https://reference.wolfram.com › ref
Applications (5)Sample problems that can be solved with this function ; Define a scalar product for complex‐valued lists: ; Implement a · transformation: ; Write a ...
Mathematica Conjugate of a Function Assuming Real Variables
https://www.physicsforums.com › ...
ALL it does is add some declarations to a list on the wall. Some functions in Mathematica look at that list, many do not. Simplify looks at the ...
mathematica transpose does not work when using NumberForm and ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 30957351
mathematica transpose does not work when using NumberForm and OutputForm. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. Active 6 years, 6 months ago.
Conjugate and Simplify - Online Technical Discussion Groups ...
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Conjugate and Simplify. Even if I explicitly specify that a and b are complex, the expression is not evaluated: Only when I give explicit numerical values, the simplification is done. Mariusz Iwaniuk, engineer,hobbyist. The Assumptions should not even be necessary here; FullSimplify [Conjugate [a] Conjugate [b] - Conjugate [a b]] by itself will ...
Remove annoying Conjugate - Mathematica Stack Exchange
It's true that Conjugate can be annoying, but it's understandable that you're having difficulty removing it in an automated way. The culprit are the square roots, which are actually harmless but aren't recognized by Mathematica to be harmless.. So if you don't want to manually remove Conjugate but also don't want to waste time rewriting the expression to rearrange the square …
Conjugate—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › ref
Conjugate does not always propagate into arguments: Differentiating Conjugate is not possible: The limit that defines the derivative is direction dependent and therefore does not exist:
Mathematica Help: FullSimplify does not use conjugate ...
16.11.2012 · Show activity on this post. FullSimplify fails to recognize that: a*Conjugate [b] + b*Conjugate [a] = 2 Re [a*b] I have some very complex equations that could be simplified greatly if Mathematica could recognize this simple identity. (and that a*Conjugate [b] - b*Conjugate [a] = 2 Im [a*b]). See, Mathematica will not finish solving my equations ...
Conjugate and Simplify - Online Technical Discussion ...
Conjugate and Simplify. Even if I explicitly specify that a and b are complex, the expression is not evaluated: Only when I give explicit numerical values, the simplification is done. Mariusz Iwaniuk, engineer,hobbyist. The Assumptions should not even be necessary here; FullSimplify [Conjugate [a] Conjugate [b] - Conjugate [a b]] by itself will ...
ConjugateTranspose—Wolfram Language Documentation
Conjugate and transpose the column matrix back into a row matrix: ConjugateTranspose [ vec ] conjugates the entries but does not change the shape of vec : ConjugateTranspose works for symbolic matrices:
Mathematica Help: FullSimplify does not use conjugate identities
stackoverflow.com › questions › 4005852
Nov 17, 2012 · Show activity on this post. FullSimplify fails to recognize that: a*Conjugate [b] + b*Conjugate [a] = 2 Re [a*b] I have some very complex equations that could be simplified greatly if Mathematica could recognize this simple identity. (and that a*Conjugate [b] - b*Conjugate [a] = 2 Im [a*b]). See, Mathematica will not finish solving my equations ...
Conjugate—Wolfram Language Documentation
Conjugate does not always propagate into arguments: Differentiating Conjugate is not possible: The limit that defines the derivative is direction dependent and therefore does not exist:
Complex variables
http://www.phys.ubbcluj.ro › Calcul_algebric › C...
Mathematica does not automatically assume that variables are real ... ing our own complex conjugation function as suggested by Zimmer-.
Remove annoying Conjugate - Mathematica Stack Exchange
https://mathematica.stackexchange.com › ...
(Note that in my actual work, such Conjugate expressions are embedded in a much larger expression and I do not know in advance whether the expression Conjugate ...
Mathematica simplify conjugate expression - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › mathe...
But it still not in the shape I prefer. – xslittlegrass. Nov 12 '12 at 16:20. Add a comment ...
Remove annoying Conjugate - Mathematica Stack Exchange
mathematica.stackexchange.com › questions › 16354
This answer is useful. 4. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. The expression is in general complex even with all variables real since if the argument of any Sqrt is negative the Sqrt will be complex. expr = Conjugate [ 1/Sqrt [1 + (-2 + es + Cos [kx] + Cos [ky] + Sqrt [ (-2 + es + Cos [kx] + Cos [ky])^2 + Sin [kx]^2 + Sin [ky]^2])^2/ (Sin [kx]^2 + Sin [ky]^2)]];
markov chains - Application of Conjugate Gradient Method ...
30.07.2014 · I am applying the algorithm found in Stewart's text on Numerical Solution of Markov Chains. All the literature I have found has asserted that the Conjugate Gradient method only works for symmetric positive definite matrices. My generator matrices are not SPD whatsoever, but the Conjugate Gradient method is still converging to the correct solution.
abstract algebra - What exactly does conjugation mean ...
This tells us that the conjugate of any matrix gives a new matrix which represents the same linear map (so the action on the group is of exactly the same type. Even though it will now map the same vector to a different one as the preconjugated matrix, if you write the original vector in terms of the new basis, the new matrix will map it to the same vector as before, represented in the …
abstract algebra - What is an example of conjugate, non ...
Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. It only takes a minute to sign up.
symbolic - Mathematica Stack Exchange
mathematica.stackexchange.com › questions › 3306
If you want Conjugate in the answer use ComplexExpand[Re[PP], TargetFunctions -> {Conjugate}]. Whatever you do, you will get a very long and complicated expression. Using Re alone is never going to "work" (well, it actually does "work", but does not expand - a different matter) except when dealing with numbers - how could it? The answers depends on which symbols are real and which are not. $\endgroup$ –
Problem with simplifying expression containing Conjugate[]
https://community.wolfram.com › ...
Wolfram Community forum discussion about Problem with simplifying expression containing Conjugate[]. Stay on top of important topics and build connections ...
Conjugate and Simplify - Online Technical Discussion Groups ...
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(I am using Mathematica 12). I hope I am not fooling myself, but why does Mathematica not evaluate the following expression to zero: Conjugate[a] ...
Mathematica Tutorial: Unconstrained Optimization
Mathematica is not associated with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. ... All these functions work, in general, by doing a search, starting at some initial values and taking steps that decrease (or for FindMaximum, ... but it often does not converge quickly. In subsequent
ConjugateTranspose—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › ref
Conjugate and transpose the column matrix back into a row matrix: ConjugateTranspose [ vec ] conjugates the entries but does not change the shape of vec : ConjugateTranspose works for symbolic matrices:
ComplexExpand, Conjugate, Piecewise - an unexpected result
https://community.wolfram.com › ...
Wolfram Community forum discussion about ComplexExpand, Conjugate, ... and it accually took me hours to find this problem in a very big calculation.
solution verification - If $\gamma(b)$ is not conjugate to ...
29.11.2021 · Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. ... Q&A for work. Connect and share ... $ is not conjugate to $\gamma(a)$ along $\gamma$.