function_handle (@) (MATLAB Functions) › help › techdocAt the time you create a function handle, the function you specify must be on the MATLAB path and in the current scope. This condition does not apply when you evaluate the function handle. You can, for example, execute a subfunction from a separate (out-of-scope) M-file using a function handle as long as the handle was created within the ...
Function Handles - MATLAB & Simulink › help › matlabA function handle is a MATLAB ® data type that represents a function. A typical use of function handles is to pass a function to another function. For example, you can use function handles as input arguments to functions that evaluate mathematical expressions over a range of values. Function handles can represent either named or anonymous ...
Create Function Handle - MATLAB & Simulink › help › matlabCreate Function Handle. You can create function handles to named and anonymous functions. You can store multiple function handles in an array, and save and load them, as you would any other variable. What Is a Function Handle? A function handle is a MATLAB ® data type that stores an association to a function. Indirectly calling a function ...
Handle to function - MATLAB - MathWorks › help › matlabNamed function handles represent functions in existing program files, including functions that are part of MATLAB and functions that you create using the function keyword. To create a handle to a named function, precede the function name with @. For example, create a handle to the sin function, and then use fminbnd to find the value of x that ...