19.02.2013 · Warning: Support of character vectors will be removed in a future release. Character vectors can be used only for variable names and numbers. Instead, to create symbolic expressions first create symbolic variables using 'syms'.To evaluate character vectors and strings representing symbolic expressions, use 'str2sym'.
p = poly2sym (c) creates the symbolic polynomial expression p from the vector of coefficients c. The polynomial variable is x. If c = [c1,c2,...,cn] , then p = poly2sym (c) returns c 1 x n − 1 + c 2 x n − 2 + ... + c n. This syntax does not create the symbolic variable x …
sym (strnum) converts the character vector or string specified by strnum to an accurate symbolic number that avoids any approximation. example symexpr = sym (h) creates a symbolic expression or matrix symexpr from an anonymous MATLAB function associated with the function handle h. Examples collapse all Create Symbolic Variables
hi. im using MATLAB version 7.9.0 (R2009b) and i would like to create symbolic vector. it should go like that: a=sym('a', [1 10]), where second argument ...
05.09.2013 · I am trying to create a function using the symbolic toolbox in matlab. I have been having trouble creating a symbolic vector (not a vector of symbolic variables). Do you guys know a …