Megatrends 2021 - PMI › pmi-megatrends-2021PMI 2021 MEGATRENDS11 The global economic axis has been tilting toward promising emerging and developing markets for some time. But their early embrace of the services sector has led to a slowing of the rapid industrialization need- ed to achieve gains in standards of living.
Megatrends Watch Institute | Global Megatrends
megatrendswatch.comMegatrends Watch 2021 We strive to constantly research and understand the evolution of megatrends with the aim of bringing insightful analyses that enable strategic decision-making. Periodically, on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, we elaborate tailored strategic foresight assessments which provide reliable data insights and trends analyses.
Megatrends 2021 - PMI › learning › thought-leadershipHealing Fractures, Building Bridges. To deepen project leaders’ understanding of the major developments reshaping our world, PMI has identified five megatrends, which all share a common thread: they are exacerbating the endemic exclusion, disruption, and discontent that have crept into our society. Read More.