Megatrends - Issues - PwC UK 2030 the world’s population is projected to rise by more than 1 billion. Equally significantly, people are living longer and having fewer children. All countries will need to implement bold policies to cope with these demographic changes. Supporting an ageing population will require greater participation in the labour force from women and ...
Global megatrends - Future State 2030 - KPMG › xx › enFuture State 2030 identifies nine global megatrends that are most salient to the future of governments. While they are highly interrelated, the megatrends can broadly be grouped into trends reflecting changes in the status and expectations of individuals, changes in the global economy and changes in the physical environment. Share Save Demographics
11 megatrender fram til 2030 -
28.04.2020 · 11 megatrender fram til 2030 Verden endres raskt. Som tjenestetilbyder gjelder det å endre seg tilsvarende raskt, mener Sodexo. Trond Erik Hillestad. Publisert tirsdag 28. april 2020 - 09:19. Mange av trendene ...