27.06.2017 · Looking at the tutorials and posts I found on the subject, I've tried the following steps: With vmkping I can ping the NFS server; I can connect to the NFS server port. I tested it with the command: nc -z 2049. The Vmware firewall is releasing client connections nfs, as shown in the attached image.
19.06.2020 · Operation failed, diagnostics report: unable to complete sysinfo operation. please see the vmkernel log file for more details. In the VMkernel logs located at /var/log/messages or /var/log/vmkernel , you see warnings similar to:
12.05.2020 · ESXi 7.0 NFS v4.1 Not mounting. I ran into something today that I think could be a bug. Unable to complete Sysinfo operation. Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: Timeout. Running tcpdump from the NFS server shows that ESXi issues an arp request, but never follows up with communication.
12.02.2013 · ESXi – unable to complete sysinfo operation when unmounting NFS datastore. I am currently trying to prepare a old NetApp filer (FAS960C) for a cold hard life in the scrap yard. I thought it would be as simple as storage vmotioning all the VMs off it, and then simply unmounting the datastore from vSphere. Unfortunately I get this message when ...
25.09.2021 · Operation failed, diagnostics report: Mount failed: Unable to complete Sysinfo operation. Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: The NFS server denied the mount request . TrueNAS Host Specs: Dell PowerEdge R720XD (2)E5-2630L 32GB RAM