Lecture 3 Convex Functions
www.ifp.illinois.edu/~angelia/L3_convfunc.pdfRestriction of a convex function to a line f is convex if and only if domf is convex and the function g : R → R, g(t) = f(x + tv), domg = {t | x + tv ∈ dom(f)} is convex (in t) for any x ∈ domf, v ∈ Rn Checking convexity of multivariable functions can be done by checking convexity of functions of one variable Example f : Sn → R with f ...
Multivariable calculus - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariable_calculusA study of limits and continuity in multivariable calculus yields many counterintuitive results not demonstrated by single-variable functions. For example, there are scalar functions of two variables with points in their domain which give different limits when approached along different paths. E.g., the function approaches zero whenever the point is approached along lines through the origi…
Introduction to Multivariable Functions
www.analyzemath.com › multivariable_functionsExamples of Multivariable Functions Example 1 A rectangle has a width W and a length L. The area A of the rectangle is given by A = W L. It is clear that if W and L vary, area A depends on two variables: width W and length L. Area A is said to be a function of two variables W and L. Example 2 A rectangular solid has width W, length L and height H. The volume V of the rectangular solid is given by V = W L H.
MULTIVARIABLE FUNCTIONS Functions of Two Variables
www.math.wsu.edu › faculty › genzMULTIVARIABLE FUNCTIONS Functions of Two Variables De nition: f(x;y) is a function of two variables if a unique f value is given for each (x;y) 2D, with D = f(x;y) jf(x;y) exists g, domain for f; the set of all f values is called the range of f. Examples: a) if f(x;y) = x2 + xy cos(xy), nd domain, range, f(1;1);f(2;1); b) if f(x;y) = x p