Function of several real variables - Wikipedia mathematical analysis its applications, a function of several real variables or real multivariate function is a function with more than one argument, with all arguments being real variables. This concept extends the idea of a function of a real variable to several variables. The "input" variables take real values, while the "output", also called the "value of the function", may be real or complex. However, the study of the complex valued functions may be easily reduced to the study of the re…
Introduction to Multivariable Functions › multivariable_functionsExamples of Multivariable Functions Example 1 A rectangle has a width W and a length L. The area A of the rectangle is given by A = W L. It is clear that if W and L vary, area A depends on two variables: width W and length L. Area A is said to be a function of two variables W and L. Example 2 A rectangular solid has width W, length L and height H.
Chapter 4 Multivariate distributions – 4 – Multivariate Distributions 3 Example: The Multinomial distribution Suppose that we observe an experiment that has k possible outcomes {O1, O2, …, Ok} independently n times.Let p1, p2, …, pk denote probabilities of O1, O2, …, Ok respectively. Let Xi denote the number of times that outcome Oi occurs in the n repetitions of the experiment.