Speaker: Niko DominkowitschThinking of replacing your existing monitoring solution with Prometheus? In this talk we will show you how Runtastic moved its mon...
Migrating from Nagios to Prometheus NOV 07, 2019. 2 Linux (Ubuntu) SDN (Cisco) Chef Terraform Runtastic Infrastructure Base Linux KVM OpenNebula 3600 CPU Cores ... Our Prometheus Setup 9 2x Bare Metal 8 Core CPU Ubuntu Linux 7.5 …
Migrating from Nagios to Prometheus at Runtastic. Speaker: Niko Dominkowitsch. Thinking of replacing your existing monitoring solution with Prometheus? In this talk we will show you how Runtastic moved its monitoring and alerting stack from Nagios to Prometheus.
In order to demonstrate its use, we'll setup a locally running Nagios NRPE server on our local machine that our exporter can talk to and export metrics from for a Prometheus to scrape. Begin by installing the Nagios NRPE server: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nagios-nrpe-server
12.02.2018 · An easy-to-follow talk about Prometheus from the user perspective, including lessons learned running it in production at Spreaker. The talk will quickly go t...
01.01.2020 · Speaker: Niko DominkowitschThinking of replacing your existing monitoring solution with Prometheus? In this talk we will show you how Runtastic moved its mon...
15.10.2020 · Due to the nature of Prometheus, relevant metrics are automatically discovered and scraped as your OpenShift / Kubernetes environment changes and evolves. Compared to a Nagios based monitoring solution such as ITRS OP5 Monitor, that works with a static model with hosts and services, it’s not straightforward how to get them working together.
Nagios Enterprise starts at 3495 USD per month. Prometheus can provide a dimensional data model where metrics are identified by a metric name and tags with built-in storage, graphing and alerting. Prometheus is open source and free. Nagios is a legacy IT infrastructure monitoring tool focusing on server, network, and application monitoring.
28.12.2021 · check_prometheus_metric.sh - simple prometheus metric extractor for nagios usage: check_prometheus_metric.sh -H HOST -q QUERY -w INT -c INT -n NAME [-m METHOD] [-O] [-i] [-t QUERY_TYPE] options: -H HOST URL of Prometheus host to query -q QUERY Prometheus query, in single quotes, that returns by default a float or int (see -t) -w INT Warning level value …
Note: version 2.15 of the Nagios NRPE server was used in this blogpost. Other versions may or may not work. This blogpost explores using the Prometheus nrpe_exporter to expose metrics on NRPE commands to a running NRPE daemon and ingest them into Prometheus itself.. To achieve this we'll be using the nrpe_exporter which exposes metrics on NRPE commands.
11.11.2021 · Nagios and Prometheus can be primarily classified as "Monitoring" tools. "It just works" is the primary reason why developers consider Nagios over the competitors, whereas "Powerful easy to use monitoring" was stated as the key factor in picking Prometheus. Nagios and Prometheus are both open source tools. Prometheus with 25K GitHub stars and 3 ...
Migrating from Nagios to Prometheus NOV 07, 2019. 2 Linux (Ubuntu) SDN (Cisco) Chef Terraform Runtastic Infrastructure Base Linux KVM OpenNebula 3600 CPU Cores 20 TB ...
Migrating from Nagios to Prometheus at Runtastic. Speaker: Niko Dominkowitsch. Thinking of replacing your existing monitoring solution with Prometheus? In this talk we will show you how Runtastic moved its monitoring and alerting stack from Nagios to Prometheus.
Oct 15, 2020 · Now when we have a configuration mapping between Prometheus alerts and Monitor we need a way to get the alert data into OP5 Monitor. Alertmanager is configured to send alerts to a service called “monitor_alertmanager_service” that keeps track of ongoing alerts. We then use “check_promalert” which is a Nagios compatible plugin that ...