Note: version 2.15 of the Nagios NRPE server was used in this blogpost. Other versions may or may not work. This blogpost explores using the Prometheus nrpe_exporter to expose metrics on NRPE commands to a running NRPE daemon and ingest them into Prometheus itself.
03.04.2018 · This video takes you through how to setup Prometheus to monitor using Nagious checks via NRPE using the NRPE exporter which can be downloaded from https://gi...
Nov 23, 2020 · prometheus-nagios-exporter. 🆙 Prometheus exporter that scrapes a Nagios status pages for alerts.. Prometheus asks this exporter for metrics, one Nagios target at a time. The timeout for this exporter is 15 seconds, rather than the normal 10 seconds for Prometheus Exporters
The Prometheus Nagios exporter reads status and performance data from nagios plugins via the MK Livestatus Nagios plugin and publishes this in a form that can be scrapped by Prometheus. Setup is as simple as installing the livestatus module and then running the service.
Apr 05, 2019 · prometheus-nagios-exporter. The Prometheus Nagios exporter reads status and performance data from nagios plugins via the MK Livestatus Nagios plugin and publishes this in a form that can be scrapped by Prometheus. Setup. Setup is as simple as installing the livestatus module and then running the service.
Oct 15, 2020 · Now when we have a configuration mapping between Prometheus alerts and Monitor we need a way to get the alert data into OP5 Monitor. Alertmanager is configured to send alerts to a service called “monitor_alertmanager_service” that keeps track of ongoing alerts. We then use “check_promalert” which is a Nagios compatible plugin that ...
12.06.2018 · prometheus-nagios-exporter. The Prometheus Nagios exporter reads status and performance data from nagios plugins via the MK Livestatus Nagios plugin and publishes this in a form that can be scrapped by Prometheus. Setup. Setup is as simple as installing the livestatus module and then running the service.
27.08.2021 · Ports Required- 9090 (Prometheus), 3000 (Grafana), 9100 (Node Exporter) We will update the system repository index by using the following command. sudo yum update -y. switch to root user. sudo su - Export the release of Prometheus. export RELEASE="2.2.1" #1. Creating Prometheus System Users and Directory This requires an existing check_mk engine which is running the plugins periodically, and then scrapes ...
Prometheus exporter publishes Nagios service status read from the mk-livestatus plugin - prometheus-nagios-exporter/ at master · m-lab/prometheus ...
23.11.2020 · prometheus-nagios-exporter. 🆙 Prometheus exporter that scrapes a Nagios status pages for alerts.. Prometheus asks this exporter for metrics, one Nagios target at a time. The timeout for this exporter is 15 seconds, rather than the …
10.07.2017 · Iapetos. This is a Naemon / Nagios(3/4) / Icinga Prometheus exporter, which gathers information about Nagios and the checks it executes. It's build for the NEB Interface, if the core supports that, it should work.
Note: version 2.15 of the Nagios NRPE server was used in this blogpost. Other versions may or may not work. This blogpost explores using the Prometheus nrpe_exporter to expose metrics on NRPE commands to a running NRPE daemon and ingest them into Prometheus itself.. To achieve this we'll be using the nrpe_exporter which exposes metrics on NRPE commands.
The Prometheus Nagios exporter reads status and performance data from nagios plugins via the MK Livestatus Nagios plugin and publishes this in a form that ...
Some of these exporters are maintained as part of the official Prometheus GitHub ... JMX exporter (official); Munin exporter · Nagios / Naemon exporter ...
The Prometheus Nagios exporter reads status and performance data from nagios plugins via the MK Livestatus Nagios plugin and publishes this in a form that can be scrapped by Prometheus. Setup is as simple as installing the livestatus module and then running the …