Changelog – Nextcloud · 📱 Nextcloud Clients: updates available for Desktop, Android and iOS clients; ... Changelog. A full changelog would be to long to reproduce here, given the core server alone had over 600 PR's merged. You can find a list of PR's for …
The latest updates – Nextcloud · In this 13th episode, our host Ingo talked with Matthieu Gallien, Senior Software Engineer at Nextcloud, responsible for Desktop client. Matthieu covers interesting topics of Desktop Client such as Sync Client, how it works, and the new features like Virtual files, Speedup sync, E2E encryption, and more.
release – Nextcloud · How to set your status in Nextcloud 21 After a good four months of work, version 3.2 of the Nextcloud desktop client is out with Virtual Files on Windows and support for the user Status from the server. Download the new release now on our installation page! What’s new The …
Desktop and mobile clients – Nextcloud Nextcloud desktop client keeps photos and documents always up to date, enabling you to work like you always did. Any file you add, modify or delete in the synced folders on your desktop or laptop will show up, change or disappear on the server and all other connected devices.