i3: i3 User’s Guide
https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html# Start iceweasel on workspace 3, then switch back to workspace 1 # (Being a command-line utility, i3-msg does not support startup notifications, # hence the exec --no-startup-id.) # (Starting iceweasel with i3’s exec command is important in order to make i3 # create a startup notification context, without which the iceweasel window(s) # cannot be matched onto the workspace on …
Desktop and mobile clients – Nextcloud
https://nextcloud.com/clientsFiles, notes, chat, calendars, passwords and more. Nextcloud Hub features a wide range of communication and collaboration capabilities. These are reflected in a wide variety of mobile apps from Nextcloud GmbH, the wider Nextcloud community as well as independent, third party apps that can communicate with Nextcloud servers thanks to our use of open standards.
Install – Nextcloud
https://nextcloud.com/installThe Web Installer is the easiest way to install Nextcloud on a web space. It checks the dependencies, downloads Nextcloud from the official server, unpacks it with the right permissions and the right user account. Finally, you will be redirected to the Nextcloud installer. Right-click here and save the file to your computer.