I’ve mounted the folder I want from the dataset, but struggling how to move the nextcloud data directory to the new directory. I’ve successfully got the external drive feature to work in nextcloud, but I want the data directory to be using the dataset I choose.
17.07.2017 · Move Data to New Directory Location 1. Create New Data Directory & Mount Point. mkdir /mnt/ncdata # create new directory. sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/ncdata # mount new directory [FN1]. sudo chmod 0770 /mnt/ncdata # change permissions to 770. Note: Default Permissions is set to 0770 on original data directory in Nextcloud 13 [FN2].
I installed nextcloud on my raspberrypi 3 using this link.Everything is working pretty well except I don't like the UX of having all the extra storage space coming from the "External Storage" add-in, since it means that everyone now has to know to put all of their files in a designated folder.
I’ve mounted the folder I want from the dataset, but struggling how to move the nextcloud data directory to the new directory. If you have any guide or …
23.06.2020 · In the introduction article Set up Nextcloud: Step by step guide I've mentioned that my solution is almost private as my Nextcloud instance is hosted on VPS which is in theory physically accessible to super-admins in data center. …
15.03.2019 · Official website Demo: https://demo.nextcloud.com In this guide I’ll provide a complete and secure Nextcloud setup for the WD My Cloud NAS. Benefits: Cloud access directly to your box, not via WD servers Better integration with multiple apps available for any platform (so it’s a valid replacement for the deprecated PC suite) Modern look and feel Many extensions …