For home users – Nextcloud the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer integration with Nextcloud, Outlook users can easily sync their events, tasks and contacts between Microsoft Outlook and their Nextcloud server. A free version is available for home users! Outlook Add-ins. Mozilla Thunderbird.
Outlook Integration – Nextcloud dem Outlook CalDav-Synchronizer können Outlook-Nutzer einfach Ihre Aufgaben, Termine und Kontakte zwischen Microsoft Outlook und Ihrer Nextcloud synchronisieren. Was möglich ist Das CalDAV- und CardDAV-Plugin ermöglicht die wechselseitige Synchronisation von CalDAV-Kalendern und Aufgaben sowie CardDAV-Kontakten und kann auch direkt mit der Google …
Outlook Integration – Nextcloud the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer integration with Nextcloud, Outlook users can easily sync their events, tasks and contacts between Microsoft Outlook and their Nextcloud server. What it does The CalDAV and CardDAV plugin offers two-way sync for CalDAV calendars and tasks, CardDAV contacts and can also handle the Google native Contacts and Tasks API.
For home users – Nextcloud › athomeWith the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer integration with Nextcloud, Outlook users can easily sync their events, tasks and contacts between Microsoft Outlook and their Nextcloud server. A free version is available for home users! Outlook Add-ins
Outlook Integration – Nextcloud › outlookWith the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer integration with Nextcloud, Outlook users can easily sync their events, tasks and contacts between Microsoft Outlook and their Nextcloud server. What it does The CalDAV and CardDAV plugin offers two-way sync for CalDAV calendars and tasks, CardDAV contacts and can also handle the Google native Contacts and Tasks API.
Enterprise File Sync and Share – Nextcloud › filesThe Nextcloud Secure Sharing Outlook Add-in enables Nextcloud users to easily and securely send files, folders or upload links to others from within Microsoft Outlook. The Add-in can replace attachments, automatically uploading files to Nextcloud and inserting a secure link in the email.