31.01.2020 · So, I’ve been trying to change the location of the data files from nextcloud snap installation on a 18.04 Ubuntu server, basically i’ve followed the steps on some previous posts, but they all address to changing the loca…
05.12.2019 · Nextcloud, a fork of ownCloud, is a open-source file sharing server that allows you to store your personal content, like documents and pictures, in a centralized location, much like Dropbox. It also returns the control and security of your sensitive data back to you, thus eliminating the use of a third-party cloud hosting service. Here, I’m going to walk through the installing and ...
20.12.2017 · for you moving the data location do you need mount the external drive in some place. the steps I use was. in the terminal use. lsblk--- find the drive you want to mount
08.07.2020 · I have installed nextcloud via snap, made my data location to /media/usbhd/(data), made the changes. sudo nano /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 /media/usbhd ntfs defaults 0 1 sudo chown -R root:root /media/usbhd sudo chmod -R 0770 /media/usbhd. but still I get the message : "Your data directory is readable by other users
16.12.2016 · I have installed nextcloud via snap, made my data location to /media/usbhd/data made everything. sudo nano /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 /media/usbhd ntfs defaults 0 1 sudo chown -R root:root /media/usbhd/data sudo chmod -R 0770 /media/usbhd/data. but still I get the message :
Move (or copy) the current data directory to the new location: sudo mv /var/snap/nextcloud/common/nextcloud/data /media/my/new/data . Re-enable the snap: sudo ...
09.04.2018 · im new to this but had to do same exact thing... after uploading the files to database location I than ran below and it worked like a charm: sudo nextcloud.occ files:scan --all. ... You can tell with which nextcloud.occ, but you'll find it in /snap/bin/.
Re-enable the snap: sudo snap enable nextcloud. Now you don't need to bother with the external media solution: all of Nextcloud's data will be there. Note that this only covers the raw data (e.g. files) hosted by Nextcloud. The database and apps are still in /var/snap/nextcloud/current/. I suggest you leave them there. Note: if you have issues ...
11.04.2019 · By default, Nextcloud data folder is located in the /srv/nextcloud/data folder. For example, after installation I had only 6Gb available. It depends of your system and the amount of storage you have. In this little wiki, I’ll show you how to move your data to a bigger location. Be careful, do this only when you are not transferring files.