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norway health tech webinar

Fundingmuligheter for startups og ... - Norway Health Tech
VI hadde en god gjennomgang av finansielle virkemidler som nå er aktuelle. Møtet er nå tilgjengelig i opptak HER Programmet var som følger – alle presentasjonene kan lastes ned, se nederst på siden: Åpning og kort introduksjon av moderator Kathrine Myhre, CEO Norway Health Tech. Oslo Viken Regional Funding ForRegion – finansielle muligheter for startups og andre …
Rehabiliteringswebinar 2021 - oversikt - Sunnaas sykehus
Webinar - Nye modeller for pasientforløp og samhandling ved utbredt smerte. 5. november 09.00-10.00: Helseteknologi som ikke tas i bruk. Dette webinaret arrangeres av Norway Health Tech, Sunnaas sykehus, Indre Østfold kommune og LHL sykehuset. Dette webinaret kan sees også i etterkant: Webinar - Rehabtek-Hvor gikk det galt? Se opptak av ...
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
https://www.norwayhealthtech.com › ...
Bli med på webinar, torsdag 14. oktober, og finn det ut! https://www.norwayhealthtech.com/nb/event/morgendagens_responssenter/.
Norway Health Tech webinar - Artificial intelligence in the ...
www.visual-intelligence.no › news › norway-health
Norway Health Tech webinar - Artificial intelligence in the Norwegian health services. The Norwegian health services have a great potential when it comes to development and utilization of artificial intelligence and digital health technologies.
Rehabiliteringswebinar - Sunnaas sykehus
Sunnaas sykehus, LHL sykehuset Gardermoen og Indre Østfold kommune, sammen med Norges største helseklynge, Norway Health Tech inviterer fagpersoner og ledere i rehabiliteringstjenesten til et webinar om rehabiliteringsteknologi.
Frokostwebinar hos Norway Health tech | Inventas
https://inventas.no › aktuelt › frokostwebinar-hos-norw...
Inventas holder frokostwebinar hos Norway Health Tech 3. Februar 2021, kl. 08:30-10:00! Vårt tema er: "Design & Development within ISO 13485 Environment".
Arrangementer - Norway Health Tech
https://www.norwayhealthtech.com › event
Norwegian Delegation to Germany ... Norway Health Tech is a technology cluster facilitating the growth of new and innovative healthcare ...
Norway Health Tech - Home | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com › ... › Nonprofit organization
Norway Health Tech · Oslo Science Park - Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway. Get Directions · Rating · 5 · 80 people checked in here · http://www.norwayhealthtech.
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
Jan 17, 2021 · Norway Health Tech is on the forefront of identifying the newly arisen needs in the aftermath of the pandemic. We have therefore asked experts from around the globe to share their experience and knowledge with us when it comes to the long-term challenges of the pandemic. Covid19 has not been defeated yet.
Bruk av kunstig intelligens i helsetjenestene frem mot 2025
https://www.norwayhealthtech.com › Home › Events
Norway Health Tech tar med dette et nasjonalt initiativ for å belyse muligheter, ...
Go Global - to Singapore! - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.com › event › goglobalsingapore
25 August08:30 - 10:00. Webinar. Join Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster and Innovation Norway to further investigate the potential of Singapore as a potential market and gateway to Asia. Singapore is one of the world’s most promising markets within healthcare. Singapore has an ambition to lead the development of modern and ...
Norway Health Tech webinar - Artificial intelligence in the ...
https://www.visual-intelligence.no › news › norway-hea...
The Norwegian health services have a great potential when it comes to development and utilization of artificial intelligence and digital ...
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
17.01.2021 · Norway Health Tech is on the forefront of identifying the newly arisen needs in the aftermath of the pandemic. We have therefore asked experts from around the globe to share their experience and knowledge with us when it comes to the long-term challenges of the pandemic. Covid19 has not been defeated yet.
Pre-MEDICA webinar - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.com › event › pre-medica-webinar
Pre-MEDICA webinar. 09 June ... Norway Health Tech is a technology cluster facilitating the growth of new and innovative healthcare solutions. Membership.
Events - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.com › event
Jan 17, 2021 · SMIT Conference 2021. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and the rest of the world, the Organizing Committee of the 33rd SMIT 2021 Conference in Oslo, Norway has decided to move this year’s conference to January 17 – 19, 2022. We hereby cordially invite you to join us in Oslo in January 2022.
Nordic webinar series: how to enter the Norwegian health ...
28.05.2021 · Nordic webinar series: how to enter the Norwegian health sector. 28.5.2021 klo 12.05. Healthtech Finland and Business Finland are arranging a joint webinar: Norwegian health and medical device market on June 8th at 8.30-10.00 CET (Finland +1hr). Join the webinar and discover business and collaboration opportunities in the Norwegian healthcare ...
Go Global - to Singapore! - Norway Health Tech
25 August08:30 - 10:00. Webinar. Join Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster and Innovation Norway to further investigate the potential of Singapore as a potential market and gateway to Asia. Singapore is one of the world’s most promising markets within healthcare. Singapore has an ambition to lead the development of modern and ...
Norway Health Tech webinar - Artificial intelligence in ...
Norway Health Tech webinar - Artificial intelligence in the Norwegian health services. The Norwegian health services have a great potential when it comes to development and utilization of artificial intelligence and digital health technologies. Visual Intelligence is an important contributor within research and development and present our ...
Nordic webinar series: how to enter the Norwegian health sector
https://www.businessfinland.fi › no...
Healthtech Finland and Business Finland are arranging a joint webinar: Norwegian health and medical device market on June 8th at 8.30-10.00 ...
Health Commercialization in Germany - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.com › event › health
Where: Oslo, Norway (webinar) What: 1 ½ hours webinar about the German healthcare market of medical devices, diagnostics, digital health (including welfare technologies) and other advanced technologies dealing with health/care – including post covid-19. The webinar is a part of a market entry program towards Germany, funded by Stiftelsen ...
Great business opportunities in Canada ... - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.com › event › great-business
Ably, a member of Norway Health Tech, received a $600,000 donation through this program in 2017 after competition, – an amount Innovation Norway matched with $600,000. If you need investments or help to enter the Canadian market, join the Webinar! The CABHI Innovation Themes are: