HOME | norwegiantech
www.norwegiantech.comNORWEGIAN TECHNOLOGY KEY FACTS The pace of technological innovation has accelerated almost beyond comprehension. Leading companies are using new and more energy efficient technologies to innovate across product lifecycles and to ‘future proof’ their brands. Norwegian Technology is where they find the inspiration for change.
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.comNorway Health Tech is on the forefront of identifying the newly arisen needs in the aftermath of the pandemic. We have therefore asked experts from around the globe to share their experience and knowledge with us when it comes to the long-term challenges of the pandemic. Covid19 has not been defeated yet.
TechSoup Norway | Technology for Global Good
https://www.techsoup.noTechsoup Norge gir frivillige organisasjoner tilgang til programvare fra ledende merkevarer. Gratis eller sterkt rabattert! Bli med i vårt globale nettverk for å styrke den digitale kompetansen til frivilligheten! {link_name} håndterer alle valideringer og kundeservice for TechSoup Norway customers. Besøk {link_name}
Tech Data
https://no.techdata.com<iframe src="//www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id='GTM-5WNC49'" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>
https://www.tech-trade.noTech-Trade - Process Equipment for the Norwegian Petroleum Sector. Case Studies Contact us MENU Providing the solutions. Innovative Products for the Norwegian Energy Sector ... Norway. info@tech-trade.no +47 51 64 87 87 ...
Trondheim Tech Port
https://www.trondheimtechport.no15.03.2022 · I årene fremover skal Trondheim Tech Port legge til rette for flere innovasjonsprosesser, testing og pilotering i levende bymiljø, møteplasser og aktiviteter, utvikling av infrastruktur og økt attraktivitet.I samarbeid med medlemmer og partnere er målet å øke innovasjonskraften slik at våre verdensledende teknologiske miljø er til nytte for samfunnet, …
121 Best Norway Startups to Watch in 2021 | Seedtable
www.seedtable.com › startups-norwayFeb 26, 2022 · Norway's tech sector is booming. This year’s list of the best 121 Norway tech startups is an eclectic mix of hyper-growth scaleups, small creative startups and everything in between. The last update was made on February 21, 2022. Curated by @gonsanchezs Norway 10+ employees Fast-growing Get the full list of 9,200+ European tech companies
norwaytech.no - Hjem
norwaytech.noTHE ECONOMIC CONSUlTANCY HOUSE NORWAY TECH er registrert på Sri Lanka som en ikke-statlig organisasjon (registreringsnummer J/DS/VSS/2). TECH ble etablert av avdøde Professor A. Thurairajah i 1992 med tanke på å fremme levestandarden til folk på det Nord-østlige Sri Lanka.
HOME | norwegiantech
https://www.norwegiantech.comNORWEGIAN TECHNOLOGY KEY FACTS The pace of technological innovation has accelerated almost beyond comprehension. Leading companies are using new and more energy efficient technologies to innovate across product lifecycles and to ‘future proof’ their brands. Norwegian Technology is where they find the inspiration for change.