Selskapet | Norwegian forplikter seg til en drift som er i samsvar med ansvarlige, etiske, bærekraftige og sunne forretningsprinsipper, med respekt for mennesker, miljøet og samfunnet. Samfunnsansvar Norwegians strategi for samfunnsansvar er primært basert på hvordan Norwegian som flyselskap kan bidra til mindre forurensning ved å benytte nye, drivstoffbesparende fly.
NORWEGIAN AIR SHUTTLE ASA ANNUAL REPORT 2019 › globalassets › ipNorwegian and the climate-tech company CHOOOSE during the booking process. The global spread of the COVID-19 virus has had an enormous impact on the aviation industry. At the beginning of the year, Norwegian expected to deliver a positive result in 2020, however, this guidance had to be withdrawn due to this unprecedented situation.
Om oss - Bank Norwegian oss. Bank Norwegian er en heldigital og fleksibel bank som tilbyr enkle, standardiserte innskudds- og utlånsprodukter på nett. Vi bruker og utvikler den nyeste teknologien, automatisering, selvhjelpstjenester og mobilapp for å styrke og forbedre kundeopplevelsen.
ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - Norwegian › globalassets › ipIn 2014 Norwegian took another step towards becoming a global player. Our fleet increased to 95 aircraft at the end of the year – whereof seven 787-8 Dreamliners – and we opened 47 new routes. As the first European carrier, Norwegian continues to pave the way for low-cost long-haul flights to the USA and Asia.
Reports and Presentations | Norwegian › se › om-ossRegistration Document - Bond Issues, July and November 2014. Securities Note - Bond Issue, July 2014. Summary - Bond Issue, July 2014. Securities Note - Bond Issue, November 2014. Summary - Bond Issue, November 2014. Listing Prospectus – EUR Bond Issue, December 2015. Securities Note - Bond Issue, June 2015. Offering Memorandum EETC, May 2016.