Reports and Presentations | Norwegian
Reports & Presentations. Here you will find the company’s annual and quarterly reports, prospectuses, investor presentations and monthly traffic figures dating back to 2003.
Investor Relations | Norwegian › uk › aboutThe Investor Relations pages are designed to provide all investors and the capital markets with precise, equable and reliable information. Norwegian presents financial data through its quarterly reports and presentations, as well as a monthly traffic development report.
Kvartalsrapport NRS - 2021-Q3 English › files › 10Norway Royal Salmon posted operating revenues of NOK 1 540.7 million (NOK 1 405.4 million) in the third quarter of 2021, an increase of 9.6 per cent from the corresponding prior- year period. The Group achieved an operational EBIT of NOK 88.7 million (NOK 34.8 million), an increase of NOK 53.9 million compared to corresponding quarter in 2020.
Reports and Presentations | Norwegian › se › om-ossRegistration Document - Bond Issues, July and November 2014. Securities Note - Bond Issue, July 2014. Summary - Bond Issue, July 2014. Securities Note - Bond Issue, November 2014. Summary - Bond Issue, November 2014. Listing Prospectus – EUR Bond Issue, December 2015. Securities Note - Bond Issue, June 2015. Offering Memorandum EETC, May 2016.
Kvartalsrapport NRS - 2021-Q2 English › files › 10Norway Royal Salmon posted operating revenues of NOK 1 336.8 million (NOK 1 289.3 million) in the second quarter of 2021, an increase of 3.7 per cent from the corresponding prior-year period. The Group achieved an operational EBIT of NOK 94.0 million (NOK 119.7 million), a decrease of NOK 25.7 million.