Function Reference: deriv - Octave Forge File: dx = deriv (f, x0) Function File: dx = deriv (f, x0, h) Function File: dx = deriv (f, x0, h, O) Function File: dx = deriv (f, x0, h, O, N) Calculate derivate of function f.. f must be a function handle or the name of a function that takes x0 and returns a variable of equal length and orientation.x0 must be a numeric vector or scalar.. h defines the step taken for the derivative ...
Intro. to Signal Processing:Differentiation › DifferentiationThe accuracy of numerical differentiation is demonstrated by the Matlab/Octave script GaussianDerivatives.m , which compares the exact analytical expressions for the derivatives of a Gaussian (readily obtained from Wolfram Alpha) to the numerical values obtained by the expressions above, demonstrating that the shape and amplitude of the ...