NVIDIA 驱动安装(超详细) - pprp - 博客园
https://www.cnblogs.com/pprp/p/9430836.htmlThis will allow DKMS to automatically build a new module, if you install a different kernel later? 选择 No 继续。 问题大概是:Nvidia's 32-bit compatibility libraries? 选择 No 继续。 Would you like to run the nvidia-xconfigutility to automatically update your x configuration so that the NVIDIA x driver will be used when you ...
Chapter 4. Installing the NVIDIA Driver
download.nvidia.com › XFree86 › Linux-x86_64You must have a linker installed prior to installing the NVIDIA driver. Registering the NVIDIA Kernel Module with DKMS The installer will check for the presence of DKMS on your system. If DKMS is found, you will be given the option of registering the kernel module with DKMS, and using the DKMS infrastructure to build and install the kernel module.