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openbox hidpi

HiDPI - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
HiDPI. From ArchWiki. HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) displays, also known by Apple's " Retina Display " marketing name, are screens with a high resolution in a relatively small format. They are mostly found in high-end laptops and monitors. Not all software behaves well in …
[openbox] high DPI screens with openbox - Icculus.org
http://icculus.org › 2016-February
[openbox] high DPI screens with openbox. TT turkuting at gmail.com. Tue Feb 9 23:14:54 EST 2016. Previous message: [openbox] high DPI screens with openbox ...
arc-openbox-hidpi - Gnome-look.org
https://www.gnome-look.org › ...
Arc, Arc-Dark, and Arc-Darker Openbox titlebar themes (openbox-3 folders) to match the respective Arc gtk themes.
arc-openbox-hidpi - /s/Window-Managers - BOX Look
https://www.box-look.org › ...
Arc, Arc-Dark, and Arc-Darker Openbox titlebar themes (openbox-3 folders) to match the respective Arc gtk themes.
[SOLVED] Openbox - setting different dpi on external ...
26.02.2014 · I now have two openbox instances, I just need to figure out how to tell them their correct dpi at start up. This xorg.conf has allowed me to define two different screens, on which I run two different openbox instances. If I could pass the dpi to the instances at start up I think this would be a satisfactory solution. I can currently use xrandr,
Openbox window decorations - Basic Help & Support
https://forum.archlabslinux.com › ...
A screenshot would probably help here. I have a “HiDPI” openbox theme with oversized decorations that might help: mkdir -p ~/.local/share/themes ...
[openbox] a hi-dpi, light rice : r/unixporn - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › comments
HiDPI and....a window manager? Kudos to you, man. You're braver than I'll ever be.
How to get 150% scaling for 1920x1080 screen?
https://forum.endeavouros.com › ...
I just moved the Openbox system I had in an old laptop with ... i run into the same problem because the screen is one of those HiDpi also.
Zmiana DPI w Openbox/Xorg dla monitora HiDPI | Morfitronik
08.03.2020 · Wartości 3096 i 1742 to pomnożone przez 10 wymiary monitora w mm (i do tego zaokrąglone), a 254 to 2.54 (1 cal) pomnożone przez 100. Teraz wystarczy podzielić rozdzielczość w pikselach przez te wyżej otrzymane wymiary w calach: 1600/12.19 ≈ 131.25 900/6.86 = 131.19. Można zatem przyjąć, że DPI dla tego monitora to 132x132, a nie ...
arc-openbox-hidpi - KDE Store
https://store.kde.org › ...
Arc, Arc-Dark, and Arc-Darker Openbox titlebar themes (openbox-3 folders) to match the respective Arc gtk themes.
4k and Openbox / Help & Support (Other) / BunsenLabs Linux ...
https://forums.bunsenlabs.org › vie...
@Dobbie, please post your questions here so that the rest of the community can benefit from any answers. I don't have any HiDPI displays but ...
HiDPI support in Manjaro - Tutorials - Manjaro Linux Forum
08.08.2018 · Openbox, the default LXQT window manager does not support HiDPI very well so you will need to download a specific HiDPI theme or use something else. kwin is a good alternative for LXQT. Option 1 - Install an Opnbox HiDPI theme. This is the easier solution but Openbox themes are fixed pixels so you need to find one with your dimensions in mind
HiDPI - ArchWiki
https://wiki.archlinux.org › title
You can achieve any non-integer scale factor by using a combination of GNOME's scaling-factor and xrandr. This combination keeps the TTF fonts ...
Is OpenBox Dead? Should we move on? - General Discussion ...
19.06.2017 · Manjaro uses Openbox with LXDE in place of the LXDE window manager. LXQT, the next generation of LXDE also is currently using Openbox for the default WM. One big limitation of Openbox is that doesn't support HiDPI. With 4K resolution becoming a "check the box" feature on displays I think HiDPI support is going to be a bigger issue moving forward.
[Opinions] A DE/WM for HiDPI screen : archlinux
Hello everybody, I'm here to ask you opinion about a DE/WM I should install on my laptop which has an HiDPI screen. I've tried the most common DEs but I'm not happy with any of them. Now I am thinking of installing something like i3wm, or i3 …
[openbox] Win2k inspired retro HiDPI WM setup for 32" HDTV ...
WM: Openbox with lxpanel and xfce4 volume notifications. Icon Theme: Chicago95. Wallpaper: others already found It while i was sleeping. Openbox Theme: HiDPI DIY mod of the Win2k Openbox theme i found on box-look. Was my first attempt at …
4k and Openbox / Help & Support (Other) / BunsenLabs Linux ...
31.05.2017 · To eliminate as many variables as possible, try killing LightDM: # systemctl isolate multi-user.target. Then switch to a TTY, login and run: startx -- -dpi 120. You may need to create a simple ~/.xinitrc for this to work: echo "exec openbox-session" > ~/.xinitrc. Then check the DPI with: xdpyinfo | grep dots.
[openbox] a hi-dpi, light rice : unixporn
36 votes, 16 comments. 323k members in the unixporn community. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or …